It all started in high school with Musical Theatre. Then it continued when I was teaching as an Adjunct Professor at a State University. I like talking to people. Now I've been doing it for 20 years (25 if you count "My Fair Lady").

一切始于高中的音乐剧院。 然后,当我在国立大学任兼职教授时,这种情况一直持续下去。 我喜欢和人聊天。 现在我已经做了20年了(如果算上“我的淑女”,那是25年)。

While I've had an opportunity to share some tips and tricks for speaking over the years on my blog, I've never really felt the information was organized. I've presented on presenting, but never assembled courseware. I've written many posts on the subject, but never created an e-book. The information is here and there, but not well, ahem, presented.

尽管多年来我有机会在博客上分享一些演讲技巧和窍门,但我从来没有真正感觉到这些信息是有条理的。 我已经介绍过,但从未组装过课件。 我已经写了很多关于该主题的文章,但从未创建过电子书。 这些信息到处都是,但并不完美。

Then Rob Conery came to me with the idea of a polished 1 hour video where he asks me to speak on an unfamiliar topic, I research and build the talk, then present on the spot. All filmed, all real, all legit. It was too good an idea to pass up. Complete with interviews, examples, demos, how I design story arc, my thought process - applied.

然后,罗伯·科纳里(Rob Conery)向我提出了一段长达1小时的精美视频,他让我在一个陌生的话题上发言,我研究并建立了演讲,然后当场演讲。 全部拍摄,全部真实,全部合法。 一个好主意不能通过。 包括访谈,示例,演示,我如何设计故事弧,我的思维过程-已完成。

We did it.


I'm sincerely thrilled to share the results with you today. A lot of hard work late at night, hours of thought, more hours of editing, and a little TekPub magic later and we can happily bring you my first TekPub video (UPDATE: Now Pluralsight) "The Art of Speaking - with Scott Hanselman."

今天很高兴与您分享结果。 很多深夜的工作,深思熟虑的时间,更多的编辑时间,以及后来的TekPub魔术,我们可以很高兴为您带来我的第一个TekPub视频(更新:Now Pluralsight)“与说话的艺术-与Scott Hanselman一起。 ”

Perhaps you've given technical speeches at work and are considering a local user group. Maybe you've spoken at code camps and want to go national or international. Or, perhaps you'd just like to be more comfortable talking to the folks at your office and presenting to the boss.

也许您在工作中做了技术演讲,并且正在考虑本地用户组。 也许您已经在代码营讲了话,想去国内或国际上。 或者,也许您只是想更舒适地与办公室的人们交谈并向老板介绍。

It's included with your TekPub annual or monthly subscription or you can just buy the one video. It's packed with information and it's got that polish that TekPub is known for. Rob and I feel that this one hour documentary style video is a great introduction into the minds of a technical speaker with not only experience, but passion for the topic.

它包含在TekPub年度或每月订阅中,或者您只可以购买一个视频。 它挤满了信息,并且以TekPub闻名于世。 罗伯和我感到,这个长达1个小时的纪录片式视频是对技术演讲者头脑的一个很好的介绍,他不仅有经验,而且对这个话题充满热情。

I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.


Scott Hanselman


相关链接(Related Links)

  • Hanselman at TekPub - The Art of Speaking



    Hanselman at TekPub - The Art of Speaking


  • The Speaking category of this blog


  • Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Dozens of fun videos of me around the community


  • Technical Presentations: Be Prepared for Absolute Chaos


  • 11 Top Tips for a Successful Technical Presentation


  • Tips for Preparing for a Technical Presentation


  • Scott Hanselman's Original Tips for a Successful Presentation

    斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)成功演讲的原始秘诀

  • Presentation Tips PPT


  • Developer Stand up Comedy - Coding 4 Fun


  • How To: Convert a PowerPoint Presentation from 4:3 ratio to 16:9 without distorted or stretched images



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