


看了 hint 之后,才有思路。


This solution should mention that this problem is an instance of the well-known Bin Packing Problem, which has been proven to be NP-complete, so it is not possible to implement a solution that takes less than exponential time. This would be a very important fact for the candidate to identify, because they otherwise will likely spin their wheels trying to identify a polynomial-time solution.

Once you’ve identified that the problem is NP-complete, you know that you’ll just have to implement a “brute force” solution, and the only task remaining is to look for opportunities to reduce the amount of work you need to do via pruning, memoization, etc.

Exactly. In fact second solution is over-engineering because there isn’t an actual improvement in big o time complexity.

If I was the interviewer, if the candidate identified that it’s a variant of bin-packing, therefore NP-complete, and gave a clean backtracking solution, that would be full marks.

class Solution {public boolean makesquare(int[] arr) {Arrays.sort(arr);int sum = 0;for (int m : arr) {sum += m;}if (sum % 4 != 0) return false;return process(arr, arr.length - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, sum / 4);}public boolean process(int[] arr, int i, int l1, int l2, int l3, int l4, int target) {if (i < 0) return l1 == target && l2 == target && l3 == target && l4 == target;if (l1 > target || l2 > target || l3 > target || l4 > target) return false;return process(arr, i - 1, l1 + arr[i], l2, l3, l4, target) ||process(arr, i - 1, l1, l2 + arr[i], l3, l4, target) ||process(arr, i - 1, l1, l2, l3 + arr[i], l4, target) ||process(arr, i - 1, l1, l2, l3, l4 + arr[i], target);}

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