
已知:一个时间序列,长度为N,记作X,时间序列表示为{xi},i = 1,2,…,N;
①取序列,选择合适的区间长度,也就是时间窗s,将序列划分为长度为s的不重叠等长度子区间,长度为N的子序列就会被分成Ns = N/s个段,但是想一下极端的事件,时间序列的个数是个质数怎么办,不要后面除不尽的又好浪费数据,于是为保证序列信息不丢失,可以取两次数据,第一次丢掉最后几个取不到的数据,第二次就倒着看,正着算,丢掉前面几个取不到的数据。
Ns=floor(N/s),其中floor()表示向下取整Ns = floor(N/s),其中floor()表示向下取整 Ns=floor(N/s),其中floor()表示向下取整
m1=Ns∗sm1 = Ns*s m1=Ns∗s
X1=x1,x2,...xm1X1 = {x1,x2,...xm1} X1=x1,x2,...xm1
m2=N−m1m2 = N-m1 m2=N−m1
X2=xm2,....xNX2 = {xm2,....xN} X2=xm2,....xN



# author: Dominik Krzeminski (dokato)import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as ss
import xlrd# detrended fluctuation analysisdef calc_rms(x, scale):"""windowed Root Mean Square (RMS) with linear detrending.Args:-----*x* : numpy.arrayone dimensional data vector*scale* : intlength of the window in which RMS will be calculaedReturns:--------*rms* : numpy.arrayRMS data in each window with length len(x)//scale"""# making an array with data divided in windowsshape = (x.shape[0]//scale, scale)X = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x,shape=shape)# vector of x-axis points to regressionscale_ax = np.arange(scale)rms = np.zeros(X.shape[0])for e, xcut in enumerate(X):coeff = np.polyfit(scale_ax, xcut, 1)xfit = np.polyval(coeff, scale_ax)# detrending and computing RMS of each windowrms[e] = np.sqrt(np.mean((xcut-xfit)**2))return rmsdef dfa(x, scale_lim=[4,10], scale_dens=0.25, show=False):"""Detrended Fluctuation Analysis - measures power law scaling coefficientof the given signal *x*.More details about the algorithm you can find e.g. here:Hardstone, R. et al. Detrended fluctuation analysis: A scale-free view on neuronal oscillations, (2012).Args:-----*x* : numpy.arrayone dimensional data vector*scale_lim* = [5,9] : list of length 2 boundaries of the scale, where scale means windows among which RMSis calculated. Numbers from list are exponents of 2 to the powerof X, eg. [5,9] is in fact [2**5, 2**9].You can think of it that if your signal is sampled with F_s = 128 Hz,then the lowest considered scale would be 2**5/128 = 32/128 = 0.25,so 250 ms.*scale_dens* = 0.25 : floatdensity of scale divisions, eg. for 0.25 we get 2**[5, 5.25, 5.5, ... ] *show* = Falseif True it shows matplotlib log-log plot.Returns:--------*scales* : numpy.arrayvector of scales (x axis)*fluct* : numpy.arrayfluctuation function values (y axis)*alpha* : floatestimation of DFA exponent"""# cumulative sum of data with substracted offsety = np.cumsum(x - np.mean(x))scales = (2**np.arange(scale_lim[0], scale_lim[1], scale_dens)).astype(np.int)# scales = list(range(4,17))fluct = np.zeros(len(scales))# computing RMS for each windowfor e, sc in enumerate(scales):fluct[e] = np.sqrt(np.mean(calc_rms(y, sc)**2))# fitting a line to rms datacoeff = np.polyfit(np.log2(scales), np.log2(fluct), 1)if show:fluctfit = 2**np.polyval(coeff,np.log2(scales))plt.loglog(scales, fluct, 'bo')plt.loglog(scales, fluctfit, 'r', label=r'$\alpha$ = %0.2f'%coeff[0])plt.title('DFA')plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10}$(time window)')plt.ylabel(r'$\log_{10}$<F(t)>')plt.legend()plt.show()return scales, fluct, coeff[0]if __name__=='__main__':# n = 1000# x = np.random.randn(n)# # computing DFA of signal envelope# x = np.abs(ss.hilbert(x))# 径流输入YC_flow = 'SX-data/YC.xlsx'input_filePath = YC_flowinput_data = []wb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename=input_filePath)print(wb.sheet_names())for year in wb.sheet_names():# year_data = []sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(year)cols = sheet.col_values(1)for col in cols:# year_data.append(col)input_data.append(col)scales, fluct, alpha = dfa(input_data, show=1)print(scales)print(fluct)print("DFA exponent: {}".format(alpha))


function[A,F] = DFA_fun(data,pts,order)% -----------------------------------------------------
% Function for the DFA analysis.% INPUTS:
% data: a one-dimensional data vector.
% pts: sizes of the windows/bins at which to evaluate the fluctuation
% order: (optional) order of the polynomial for the local trend correction.
% if not specified, order == 1;% OUTPUTS:
% A: a 2x1 vector. A(1) is the scaling coefficient "alpha",
% A(2) the intercept of the log-log regression, useful for plotting (see examples).
% F: A vector of size Nx1 containing the fluctuations corresponding to the
% windows specified in entries in pts.
% -----------------------------------------------------% Checking the inputs
if nargin == 2order = 1;
endsz = size(data);
if sz(1)< sz(2)data = data';
endexit = 0;if min(pts) == order+1disp(['WARNING: The smallest window size is ' num2str(min(pts)) '. DFA order is ' num2str(order) '.'])disp('This severly affects the estimate of the scaling coefficient')disp('(If order == [] (so 1), the corresponding fluctuation is zero.)')
elseif min(pts) < (order+1)disp(['ERROR: The smallest window size is ' num2str(min(pts)) '. DFA order is ' num2str(order) ':'])disp(['Aborting. The smallest window size should be of ' num2str(order+1) ' points at least.'])exit = 1;
endif exit == 1return
end% DFA
npts = numel(pts); %返回数组pts中元素个数F = zeros(npts,1);
N = length(data);for h = 1:nptsw = pts(h);n = floor(N/w);Nfloor = n*pts(h);D = data(1:Nfloor);y = cumsum(D-mean(D));bin = 0:w:(Nfloor-1);vec = 1:w;coeff = arrayfun(@(j) polyfit(vec',y(bin(j) + vec),order),1:n,'uni',0);y_hat = cell2mat(cellfun(@(y) polyval(y,vec),coeff,'uni',0));F(h)  = mean((y - y_hat').^2)^0.5;endA = polyfit(log(pts),log(F)',1);end

[1]刘付斌, 高相铭. 基于EEMD与DFA的Hurst指数估计[J]. 测控技术, 2013(10):101-104.


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