

class TweetCounts {
public:map<string,set<int>> record;TweetCounts() {}void recordTweet(string tweetName, int time) {if(record.count(tweetName)==0){record[tweetName]=set<int>();}record[tweetName].insert(time);}vector<int> getTweetCountsPerFrequency(string freq, string tweetName, int startTime, int endTime) {set<int> &arr=record[tweetName];int delta=60;if(freq=="hour")delta*=60;if(freq=="day"){delta*=(60*24);}vector<int> ans((endTime-startTime)/delta+1);auto begin=lower_bound(arr.begin(),arr.end(),startTime);auto end=upper_bound(arr.begin(),arr.end(),endTime);for(auto iter=begin;iter!=end;iter++){int time=*iter;ans[(time-startTime)/delta]++;}return ans;}
};/*** Your TweetCounts object will be instantiated and called as such:* TweetCounts* obj = new TweetCounts();* obj->recordTweet(tweetName,time);* vector<int> param_2 = obj->getTweetCountsPerFrequency(freq,tweetName,startTime,endTime);*/

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