


Problem Description

There are n pirate chests buried in Byteland, labeled by 1,2,…,n. The i-th chest's location is (xi,yi), and its value is wi, wi can be negative since the pirate can add some poisonous gases into the chest. When you open the i-th pirate chest, you will get wi value.

You want to make money from these pirate chests. You can select a rectangle, the sides of which are all paralleled to the axes, and then all the chests inside it or on its border will be opened. Note that you must open all the chests within that range regardless of their values are positive or negative. But you can choose a rectangle with nothing in it to get a zero sum.

Please write a program to find the best rectangle with maximum total value.


The first line of the input contains an integer T(1≤T≤100), denoting the number of test cases.

In each test case, there is one integer n(1≤n≤2000) in the first line, denoting the number of pirate chests.

For the next n lines, each line contains three integers xi,yi,wi(−1e9≤xi,yi,wi≤1e9), denoting each pirate chest.

It is guaranteed that ∑n≤10000.


For each test case, print a single line containing an integer, denoting the maximum total value.

Sample Input



1 1 50

2 1 50

1 2 50

2 2 -500


-1 1 5

-1 1 1

Sample Output





w1 w2 w3 w4
w5 w6 w7 w8
w9 w10 w11 w12


w1+w5+w9 w2+w6+w10 w3+w7+w11 w4+w8+w12



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long
using namespace std;const ll N=2010;
ll n,nx,ny;
struct node{ll x,y,ls,rs,s,ms;
node tree[N<<2];void init(){ll i;for(i=0;i<(N<<2);i++){tree[i].x=tree[i].y=tree[i].ls=tree[i].rs=tree[i].s=tree[i].ms=0;}
}struct nodes{ll x,y,w;
}p[N];bool cmp1(nodes u,nodes v){return u.x<v.x;
}bool cmp2(nodes u,nodes v){return u.y<v.y;
}bool cmp(nodes u,nodes v){if(u.x==v.x){return u.y<v.y;}else{return u.x<v.x;}
}ll d1[N],d2[N];
void discret(){ll i;sort(p+1,p+1+n,cmp1);        memset(d1,0,sizeof(d1));d1[1]=1;for(i=2;i<=n;i++){if(p[i].x==p[i-1].x)d1[i]=d1[i-1];else{d1[i]=d1[i-1]+1;}}for(i=1;i<=n;i++)p[i].x=d1[i];      memset(d2,0,sizeof(d2));d2[1]=1;   sort(p+1,p+1+n,cmp2);for(i=2;i<=n;i++){if(p[i].y==p[i-1].y)d2[i]=d2[i-1];else{d2[i]=d2[i-1]+1;}}for(i=1;i<=n;i++)p[i].y=d2[i];nx=d1[n];ny=d2[n];sort(p+1,p+1+n,cmp);
}void update(ll bh){tree[bh].ms=max(tree[bh<<1].ms,tree[(bh<<1)+1].ms);tree[bh].ms=max(tree[bh].ms,tree[bh<<1].rs+tree[(bh<<1)+1].ls);tree[bh].ls=max(tree[bh<<1].ls,tree[bh<<1].s+tree[(bh<<1)+1].ls);tree[bh].rs=max(tree[(bh<<1)+1].rs,tree[(bh<<1)+1].s+tree[bh<<1].rs);tree[bh].s=tree[bh<<1].s+tree[(bh<<1)+1].s;
}void build(ll bh,ll l,ll r){tree[bh].x=l; tree[bh].y=r;if (l==r){tree[bh].s=tree[bh].ms=tree[bh].ls=tree[bh].rs=0;return;}ll mid=(l+r)>>1;build(bh<<1,l,mid);build((bh<<1)+1,mid+1,r);update(bh);
}void change(ll bh,ll mb,ll z)
{if (tree[bh].x==tree[bh].y&&tree[bh].x==mb){tree[bh].s+=z;tree[bh].ms+=z;tree[bh].ls+=z;tree[bh].rs+=z;return;}ll mid=(tree[bh].x+tree[bh].y)>>1;if (mb<=mid) change(bh<<1,mb,z);else change((bh<<1)+1,mb,z);update(bh);
}ll askl(ll bh,ll l,ll r){if (tree[bh].x==l&&tree[bh].y==r) return tree[bh].ls;ll mid=(tree[bh].x+tree[bh].y)>>1;if (r<=mid) askl(bh<<1,l,r);else if (l>mid) askl((bh<<1)+1,l,r);ll lans=(bh<<1,l,mid); ll rans=((bh<<1)+1,mid+1,r); return max(lans,rans+tree[bh<<1].s);
}ll askr(ll bh,ll l,ll r){if (tree[bh].x==l&&tree[bh].y==r) return tree[bh].rs;ll mid=(tree[bh].x+tree[bh].y)>>1;if (r<=mid) askr(bh<<1,l,r);else if (l>mid) askr((bh<<1)+1,l,r);ll lans=askr(bh<<1,l,mid);ll rans=askr((bh<<1)+1,mid+1,r);  return max(rans,lans+tree[(bh<<1)+1].s);
}ll ask(ll bh,ll l,ll r){if (tree[bh].x==l&&tree[bh].y==r) return tree[bh].ms;ll mid=(tree[bh].x+tree[bh].y)>>1;if (r<=mid) ask(bh<<1,l,r);else if (l>mid) ask((bh<<1)+1,l,r);ll lans=ask(bh<<1,l,mid);ll rans=ask((bh<<1)+1,mid+1,r);ll ans=max(lans,rans);return max(ans,askr(bh<<1,l,mid)+askl((bh<<1)+1,mid+1,r));
}int main()
{ll i,j,k,T;scanf("%lld",&T);while(T--){ll ans=0;scanf("%lld",&n);for(i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&p[i].x,&p[i].y,&p[i].w);}   discret();for(i=1;i<=nx;i++){init();build(1,1,n);k=1;while(p[k].x<i)k++;for(j=i;j<=nx;j++){if(k>n)break;while(p[k].x==j){change(1,p[k].y,p[k].w);k++;if(k>n)break;}ans=max(ans,ask(1,1,n));   }}cout<<ans<<endl;}return 0;

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