
by Charisol


如何在尼日利亚以女性开发人员的身份远程工作-与Lynda Chiwetelu的问答 (How to work remotely as a female developer in Nigeria — Q&A with Lynda Chiwetelu)

As members of the Nigerian tech community, we’re fortunate to have met some of the world’s most talented individuals in development, digital marketing, and more. But one person in particular stands out among the crowd — Lynda Chiwetelu.

作为尼日利亚科技界的一员,我们很幸运地遇到了一些在开发,数字营销等方面最杰出的人才。 但是,在人群中特别引人注目的是Lynda Chiwetelu。

She’s a female developer who advocates working remotely. But what impresses us most is her willingness to share her story and encourage others, especially on Medium and Twitter.

她是一位女性开发人员,主张远程工作。 但是,最让我们印象深刻的是她愿意分享自己的故事并鼓励他人,尤其是在Medium和Twitter上 。

We reached out to her to learn more about her perspective on staying productive as a remote developer, navigating the tech community as a woman, and communicating the value Nigeria adds to the tech community.


嗨,琳达! 您最喜欢远程工作吗? (Hi Lynda! What do you enjoy most about working remotely?)

This is a tough question, because I enjoy quite a lot of things about working remotely. The flexibility, how productive I become, etc. But yes, if I had to rank it in order of most enjoyable, it would be productivity. I love how productive I am working remotely compared to working on-site.

这是一个棘手的问题,因为我喜欢很多有关远程工作的事情。 灵活性,我的生产率如何,等等。但是,是的,如果我必须按照最令人愉悦的顺序对其进行排名,那就是生产力。 与现场工作相比,我喜欢远程工作的效率。

您不喜欢远程工作吗? (Anything you dislike about remote work?)

Almost nothing. The isolation can be hard sometimes, but it’s not so bad for me as I do well with a little isolation. It is also relatively easy to solve.

几乎没有。 隔离有时会很困难,但是对我来说并不坏,只要稍微隔离一下就可以了。 它也相对容易解决。

家里有这么多干扰,您如何保持专注? (With so many distractions at home, how do you stay focused?)

I stay focused by ensuring that my computer is the only interactive device close to me at any point. Occasionally, I use site blockers and productivity trackers. But this has become rarer as I keep working remotely. I am usually able to focus well enough now whenever I have my computer in front of me. I have to mention that I mostly live alone, so I have even less human distraction than normal.

通过确保我的计算机在任何时候都是我附近唯一的交互式设备,我可以保持专注。 有时,我使用网站拦截器和生产力跟踪器。 但是随着我继续远程工作,这种情况变得越来越罕见。 现在,无论何时我将计算机放在自己面前,我通常都能很好地进行对焦。 我不得不提到,我大多数时候都是一个人住,所以我对人的注意力比平常少。

网络作为远程开发人员有多重要? (How important is networking as a remote developer?)

Do you have any tips for someone who’s looking to make more connections?


While I didn’t exactly go the networking route, I will definitely state that I think networking is super important.


It doesn’t hurt at all to have connections that can help point you to opportunities, or to give a referral. Great places to network are at tech conferences and meetups. You can also network online with your local and the international dev community.

拥有可以帮助您找到机会或进行推荐的人脉关系并没有什么坏处。 在技​​术会议和聚会上交流的好地方。 您还可以与本地和国际开发人员社区在线联网。

With social media, it’s a little bit easier to have direct access to literally anybody, so be proactive about visibility and reach out whenever you want to connect — it’s easy to do.


作为远程开发人员,您获得了哪些传统技能无法具备的技能? (What skill sets have you picked up as a remote developer that you wouldn’t have in a traditional job setting?)

My textual communication skills have definitely gotten a boost. Another thing I have picked up while working remotely is the ability to manage my time appropriately. I’ve gotten way better at time management — blocking out times for certain tasks and making sure they get done at that time, and even taking breaks.

我的文字交流能力肯定得到了提高。 我在远程工作时掌握的另一件事是能够适当地管理我的时间。 我在时间管理方面有更好的方法-为某些任务分配时间,并确保它们在那时完成,甚至休息。

您梦想中的远程工作是什么样的? (What does your dream remote job look like?)

How can employers create a better work environment for their off-site team members?


A great remote job is one that has flexibility, transparency, and communication as a huge part of the company culture. Of course, great pay helps, too.

一项出色的远程工作是具有灵活性,透明性和沟通能力的工作,这是公司文化的重要组成部分。 当然,高薪也有帮助。

I think one way for employers to create a better work environment for their off-site team members is to continuously communicate clearly, advocate communication, have informal meetings, and hold real life meetups occasionally where you get a chance to connect physically with your colleagues.


One more thing that’d make for a better work environment for off-site team members is proper organization and processes. Because you don’t have the human aspect to guide your daily work, it helps when things follow a certain process that is clear and as foolproof as possible.

为异地团队成员提供更好的工作环境的另一件事是适当的组织和流程。 由于您没有人性来指导您的日常工作,因此当事情遵循明确且尽可能简单的特定过程时,它会有所帮助。

根据您的经验,尼日利亚的开发人员是否有远程工作,还是您必须面向国际? (In your experience, are there remote jobs for developers in Nigeria, or do you have to look internationally?)

Internationally for now, I think. Before my current job, I considered some Nigerian roles but didn’t find any that were completely remote-friendly.

我认为目前就国际而言。 在我目前的工作之前,我考虑过一些尼日利亚的角色,但没有发现任何完全远程友好的角色。

Surely remote Nigerian jobs exist, but there is still a healthy amount of skepticism with fully-remote work in Nigeria (and even many other countries).


But online, you get access to all the places where this isn’t totally the case. So try to find Nigerian remote jobs if you can, but chances of finding one internationally are probably higher.

但是在网上,您可以访问并非所有情况的所有地方。 因此,如果可以的话,尝试找到尼日利亚的偏远工作,但是在国际上找到工作的机会可能更高。

为什么国际雇主应该寻求尼日利亚寻找发展人才? (Why should international employers look to Nigeria to find their development talent?)

Nigerians are smart, hardworking, and equally as talented as development talent that can be found anywhere in the world. We adapt, learn quickly, and ship awesome code.

尼日利亚人聪明,勤奋,与世界各地都能找到的开发人才一样有才华。 我们会适应,快速学习并发布出色的代码。

作为科技女性是什么感觉? (What’s it like being a woman in tech?)

Do you feel like it’s an inclusive environment for females? If not, what can we do to make it better?

您觉得这是女性的包容性环境吗? 如果没有,我们该怎么做才能使它更好?

I think a lot of work has been done on inclusivity, which pleases me. I personally have had an okay experience being a woman in tech. But, it could be better.

我认为关于包容性已经做了很多工作,这令我感到高兴。 我个人作为科技界女性的经历还不错。 但是,可能会更好。

Lots of women still get sexist remarks at a professional work setting everyday that kills their drive a little bit. These remarks are sometimes normalized because the ratio of women to non-women in most workplaces are still largely in favor of non-women.

每天仍有许多女性在专业工作场所受到性别歧视,这会削弱她们的动力。 由于大多数工作场所中妇女与非妇女的比例仍在很大程度上支持非妇女,因此有时将这些言论归一化。

There’s also a lot of harmful stereotypes present that end up being destructive to women — for example, thinking that women aren’t naturally or typically great at coding (which I have heard, actually). This, for instance, can lead to unfair impatience directed at junior women coders, which will further cause them to believe that maybe, they just suck.

目前还存在许多有害的定型观念,最终导致对女性的破坏-例如,认为女性在编码方面并不自然或通常不擅长(实际上我已经听说过)。 例如,这可能导致针对初级女编码员的不公正的不耐烦,这将进一步使他们相信,也许他们只是吮吸。

Some of the stereotypes make it so that women have a lot to prove when it comes to their tech skills, which just increases the odds of having fewer women in tech.


Also, there’s harassment. Sadly a lot of women still face sexual harassment at the workplace. This is disappointing.

另外,还有骚扰。 可悲的是,许多女性仍然在工作场所面临性骚扰。 这真令人失望。

To make tech a better place for women, we have to dismantle all the silly and harmful stereotypes. In their place, we need to respect women for their craft and approach them the way we’d approach any professional who is great at what they do. Harassment in every form also has to stop.

为了使科技成为女性更好的地方,我们必须消除所有愚蠢和有害的陈规定型观念。 取而代之的是,我们需要尊重女性的,并以与任何擅长她们工作的专业人士接洽的方式来对待她们。 各种形式的骚扰也必须停止。

您2018年的职业目标是什么? (What are your professional goals for 2018?)

In 2018, I plan to brush up my front-end development skills, and add one more back-end development language to my stack. I also plan to get at least one side project out of the planning phase and into the execution stage.

在2018年,我计划提高前端开发技能,并在我的堆栈中添加另一种后端开发语言。 我还计划从计划阶段到执行阶段至少使一个边项目。

As far as professional goals that relate to work go, my goal is to contribute more value than I currently do to my workplace.


We hope you enjoyed this interview with Lynda Chiwetelu! Follow Charisol on Medium, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more interviews and tech stories.

我们希望您喜欢Lynda Chiwetelu的采访! 在Medium , Facebook , Instagram , Twitter和LinkedIn上关注Charisol,以获取更多采访和技术故事。



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