
About Attendees

You can see all the attendees[1] and agenda[2]. People come from various companies, familar and new faces, experting at different project. It's intersting to see the "maillist" guy in person.

[1] https://www.china-lsf.org/clsf_2017_invitation_list.html
[2] https://www.china-lsf.org/clsf_2017_agenda.html

Ext4 with Lustre from DDN Storage, Shilong Wang from DDN

Lustre is a very heavy user of ext4, contributing many important features for ext4, like malloc, mmp, large EA,project quota. Shilong Wang talked about the background of these features and performance issues, what they did and their achievments.

Heterogeneous Memory Management, Bob Liu from Huawei

It seems an exploring project in Huawei now to unify the use of memory from CPU side and GPU side.

Bcache on Ceph, Junhui Tang from ZTE

This is a very impresive presention to me. Junhui, half year ago, I saw he contributed many patches for multipath, now he said he is doing ceph now. In this session, he presented how they use bcache on ceph to improve the performance. I tink his PPT is a very helpful example to handle IO performance issue.

Filesystem Verification, Nan Wang from Huawei

This is a more research topic about using Formal verification to verify FS.

Accelerating Storage Service with SPDK, Ziye Yang from Intel

I've seen this topic from him from other different meetings, ceph Day, CLK. SPDK, DPDK, SDD disk, ceph, RDMA, all these thingys, usually being brought up together, the goal is to achive very high IOPS and low latency.

Linux Kernel Library, Led by Yu Li from Huawei

I thought this project is just about reusing the kernel code in userspace program, like the "list_head" implemetation. However, as Gang said in his summary, its intend is to run kernel in userspace, well, I don't understand the reason.

BloodTest to analyse Linux Kernel, Led by Hui Zhu from Xiaomi

The name BloodTest tell the idea behind this project. Like in the hospital, doctor only need a little of the patient's blood to analyze the healthy situation. He used this tool to help troubleshooting the transient performance decline. Apparently, it's a common problem which brought up much more discussion beyond the tool itself.

f2fs update, Led by Chao Yu from Huawei

Yu Chao is a very principle guy in f2fs community, who formally worked at Samsung. The interesting part is 5 out 6 core developers are from Huawei now, except one mainainter is working at Google now. He shared his PPT you can see detailed updates there.

Multipage bve update, Led by Ming Lei from Redhat

Lei ming is a very active developer in block layer, who formally worked at Cannonical. Bvec is a vector of (page, offset, size), which is used in bio to gather/scatter IO, but as you see, one bvec cannot stride across more than one page. However, large IO become normal nowadays. Multipage bve will decrease the amount of bve, which will reduce the overhead to process a bio.

THP on swap and fs, Led by Ying Huang from Intel

THP (Transparent Huge Page) on swap and fs seems a huge ongoing work in upstream. Huang ying is very dedicated at swap optimization that the purpose is to help sale more "virtual" memory on the cloud using fast SSD as swap. The huge page topic is very interesting, you can refer to his PPT for the upstream status.

Clear Container, Led by Yang Zhong from Intel

I don't know much about container, but the most intersting part to me is, as said by the presenter, intel will cooperate with a startup company Hyper[1]

[1] https://hypercontainer.io/


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