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In your role as a professional web developer, you're up for just about any website-building challenge. But, building a creative website portfolio for your own services isn't something you're accustomed to.

作为专业的Web开发人员,您几乎可以应对任何网站建设方面的挑战。 但是,您不习惯于为自己的服务构建有创意的网站产品组合。

As much as you love web development, you've probably never thought of it as being a particularly sexy or creative profession.


The truth is, it's not all that difficult to put an eye-grabbing portfolio together rather easily when you're armed with the right tools, and you have a selection of inspiring and relevant concepts to choose from.


Here are 8 powerful ideas, together with 32 examples, to inspire you and enable you to promote your services on your own stunning portfolio website.


使Web开发产品组合网站脱颖而出的8个想法 (8 Ideas that Will Make Your Web Dev Portfolio Website Stand Out)

1.拥有自己的工作并与他人分享 (1. Owning What You Do and Sharing It with Others)

Many if not most portfolio websites have something in common. Because of their designs, it takes visitors a few seconds to figure out what the author actually does.

许多(如果不是大多数)投资组合网站有一些共同点。 由于设计原因,访问者需要花费几秒钟的时间才能弄清楚作者的实际行为。

And, the longer it takes a visitor to figure it out what you do, and who you're doing it for, the more likely it becomes that he or she will leave before even getting a glimpse of your portfolio.


You want to let people know exactly what you do the instant they land on your home page, and here are a few ways to make that happen.


Cihad Turhan




This pre-built website's crystal clear headline message instantly draws the reader in.




Josue Espinosa

乔苏·埃斯皮诺萨(Josue Espinosa)

This guy tells you straight out what he does. He even used a screenful of code for his hero shot.

这个家伙直率地告诉你他在做什么。 他甚至为英雄射击使用了一系列的代码。

2.简单是终极的复杂 (2. Simplicity Is the Ultimate Sophistication)

Most website visitors don't like clutter, and certainly won't be willing to wade through it to find what you're offering. Since you take pride in your ability to write clean code, a clean portfolio design should appeal to you as well.

大多数网站访问者不喜欢混乱,当然也不愿意涉足它以找到您所提供的产品。 由于您以编写干净代码的能力而感到自豪,因此干净的项目组合设计也应吸引您。

It will certainly appeal to your visitors.


A clean design will attest to your skills and work ethic, and if you feel it's necessary, you can always use color and texture in a way that will make your personality stand out.


For example:




Chris Biron


This freelance digital designer made a brand out of simplicity. Just how cool is that?

这位自由职业的数字设计师出于简单性而创造了一个品牌。 那到底有多酷?

Matthew Williams




A perfect example of how design simplicity can produce a clean website home page that's impossible to ignore


3.将简历从Blah转到Wow (3. Turning a Resumé from Blah to Wow)

Resumés are so passé. Don't you agree?

简历太过分了。 你不同意吗?

Not when you let your art or products speak for themselves, which is what portfolio websites can do; and spectacularly so if done right.

不是当您让艺术品或产品为自己说话时,投资组合网站才能做到这一点; 如果做得对,就很壮观。

You can still keep the classic structure of a resumé since that is what a reader would lbe expecting.


Just apply a little creativity to make your skills and experience stand out. Add a few catchy visuals and/or interactive elements and watch the resumé you're building suddenly go from Blah or Meh, to Wow.

只需施加一点创造力即可使您的技能和经验脱颖而出。 添加一些吸引人的视觉效果和/或交互元素,并观看您正在构建的简历突然从Blah或Meh转到Wow。

Now, the readers will want to know more about you, what you do, and what you can offer them.


Here's a few examples of resumés that are so outstanding they're worth a second, or third, assessment.




This theme's subtle animated elements will make the finished website pleasingly interactive.


Pierre Nel




Denise Chandler


A quick study on how to take your resumé and turn it into a work of art that's full of personality.


4.具有创新精神的专业人士 (4. Professional with a Creative Twist)

You're a no-nonsense type when it comes to doing your job, as are most professionals; and you want to be seen that way to be able to land bigger jobs and attract better clients.

像大多数专业人士一样,在工作中你是个胡扯。 而您希望以这种方式能够找到更大的工作并吸引更好的客户。

It never hurts to "borrow" a bit from the ways top professionals in other industries present themselves online. We're not talking "copycat" here.

从其他行业的顶尖专业人员在网上展示自己的方式来“借用”一点也不为过。 我们这里不是在谈论“模仿者”。

It's simply a matter of getting an idea or two from lawyers, coaches, consultants, and other professionals on how to make your website look professional, yet not "stuck up".




This theme targets independent lawyers, but it can easily be customized to create a sleek portfolio website.


Jacek Jeznach

杰西克·耶兹纳赫(Jacek Jeznach)

Patrick David




If a personality-infused portfolio website is your goal, you might check out how coaches attract their clients.


5.站在艺术方面 (5. Leaning on the artistic side)

Artists have the most drool-worthy websites. You really wouldn't expect it to be any other way. Face it; you'd have problems trying to compete with them.

艺术家拥有最流口水的网站。 您真的不会期望它有任何其他方式。 面对它; 您将很难与他们竞争。

Fortunately, you don't have to. There are already plenty of web developers out there who've successfully created some awesome portfolio websites for themselves, and even for others.

幸运的是,您不必这样做。 已经有大量的Web开发人员为他们自己甚至其他人成功创建了一些很棒的投资组合网站。

Like Adham Dannaway, who used this artistic approach to present his web dev and design services.

就像Adham Dannaway一样,他使用这种艺术方法来介绍他的Web开发和设计服务。

Or Legwork Studio. This animation studio combined illustration with animation and packaged it up to create a recognizable visual brand.

或Legwork Studio 。 这个动画工作室将插图与动画相结合,并将其包装起来以创建一个可识别的视觉品牌。

You can also get inspiration from themes like these two that artists are currently using to create their website portfolios:






6.通过游戏化吸引注意力 (6. Grabbing attention with gamification)

Want to know the type of website portfolio that offers the greatest chance of making you famous?


Try turning your online portfolio into a game.


We've already gone from Blah to Wow. Why not aim for something even better?

我们已经从Blah转到了Wow。 为什么不追求更好的目标呢?

When you turn your portfolio into a game, it's hard for anyone to pass it by. Almost everyone likes to participate in an entertaining online adventure, and it's much more enjoyable than going down lists of skills and accomplishments.

当您将投资组合变成游戏时,任何人都很难通过它。 几乎每个人都喜欢参加有趣的在线冒险活动,这比浏览技能和成就清单要有趣得多。

Robbie Leonardi

罗比·伦纳迪(Robbie Leonardi)

This designer-programmer-animator is well-known for his award-winning, mind-blowing portfolio game. Yes, it did win him awards; and lots of high-fives.

这位设计师-程序员-动画师以屡获殊荣的令人兴奋的组合游戏而闻名。 是的,确实赢得了他的奖项; 和许多击掌。

Small Studio






You can take this game presentation theme, and easily turn it into an interactive portfolio.


7.从公司网站“窃取”最佳信息 (7. "Stealing" the Best from Company Websites)

When you're running a company, you're tasked with finding a way to sell multiple products of services on the same website.


It's often the same for you as a web developer.


You have multiple skills and services, and you want to show them off in the most attractive way possible. You also need to find a way to present your offers in a crystal-clear fashion, so clients can easily find precisely what they're looking for.

您拥有多种技能和服务,并且希望以最有吸引力的方式展示它们。 您还需要找到一种方法来清晰地展示您的报价,以便客户可以轻松地准确找到他们想要的东西。

If you have multiple skills and services to offer, you should find these examples a source of inspiration:




This ad agency theme works great for hybrid services.








These folks found a simple and powerful way to present all the technologies they use.


8.像商品一样展示自己 (8. Presenting yourself like a product)

Think of how high-converting websites sell tech products.


They adhere to a common architecture designed to attract people and convince them to buy or sign up for a free trial. Use that same architecture to build your website portfolio, and you can expect to attract more potential clients and convince them to hire you.

他们遵循旨在吸引人们并说服他们购买或注册免费试用版的通用体系结构。 使用相同的体系结构来构建您的网站产品组合,您可以期望吸引更多潜在客户并说服他们雇用您。

At the same time, you can demonstrate what you could build for them if they choose to work with you.




This classic website structure for selling IoT products is designed to attract and convert.


Emily Ridge

艾米丽·里奇(Emily Ridge)

A web developer used a structure similar to this for her online portfolio.




Johnny Maceachern

约翰尼·马奇恩(Johnny Maceachern)

开始使用 (Get Started)

With a few creative concepts to get you started, you no longer have a reason or any excuses to keep putting off building your own portfolio website.


If you're worried that you don't really have the time to juggle client's work with working on your online portfolio, there's a shortcut you can take.


Unless or until you have enough time on your hands to build it from scratch, a pre-built website can provide a fast and effective way to create a dazzling online portfolio to show off your work.


A good resource is Be Theme, with its huge library of 70+ one-pagers (and 400+ pre-built websites of all kinds).

Be Theme是一个很好的资源,它拥有70多个一页的庞大图书馆(以及400多个各种预建网站)。

Each is designed with easy navigation in mind, and each incorporates interactive elements designed to increase user engagement on the page. All that you need to do it to add your creative vision, which will be more than enough to take your portfolio from "meh" to "stunning".

每个页面的设计都考虑到了轻松导航,每个页面都包含旨在增加用户在页面上的参与度的交互元素。 您要做的所有事情都可以增强您的创造力,这足以使您的投资组合从“ meh”变为“ stunning”。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-build-a-stunning-portfolio-website-as-a-web-developer/



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