Today, Stack Overflow released the results of their 2016 survey of more than 50,000 developers.

今天,Stack Overflow发布了他们2016年对50,000多名开发人员进行的调查的结果。

I’ve combed through this big document to bring you the most surprising insights from it. Here we go.

我仔细阅读了这份大文件,为您带来了最令人惊讶的见解。 开始了。

每一位女性开发人员至少有九位男性开发人员 。 (There are at least nine male developers for every one female developer.)

We don’t have enough women in tech. This is news to no one. But a 15-to-1 ratio of males to females? This is much wider gap than most people realize.

我们的技术人员不足。 这对任何人来说都是新闻。 但是,男女比例为15:1? 这个差距比大多数人意识到的要大得多。

And looking at the age distribution of female developers sheds some light on why.


30多岁和40多岁的女性开发人员要少得多。 (There are far fewer female developers in their 30s and 40s.)

Most female developers are in their 20s or are over 50+ years old. From this chart, you can see an entire generation of women who are even more under-represented than normal in the field of software development.

大多数女性开发人员都在20多岁或50岁以上。 从此图表中,您可以看到在软件开发领域中,女性一代的比例甚至低于正常水平。

There is one positive development on the gender equality front…


在职业生涯的早期,美国的女性开发人员如今的收入与男性相同。 (Early in their career, female developers in the US now make as much as their male counterparts.)

Fortunately, there’s one area where software development is extremely diverse: education background.


学习编程的最流行的方式仍然是亲自打书。 (The most popular way to learn to program is still hitting the books yourself.)

Most developers learn through some combination of self-study, on-the-job training, and academic study.


Less than half of developers have a technology-related undergraduate or graduate degree.


教育并没有像您想的那样严重影响您的薪水。 (Education doesn’t impact your salary as much as you’d think.)

It takes about 5 years to earn a PhD in computer science, but it only gets you an extra 9% salary on top of what you’d make with a Bachelors of Science.


Quitting your job and paying $15,000 to attend a coding bootcamp — for all their selectivity and help with job placement — only earns you $8,692 more than if you’d kept working and learned on your own.


Note that these numbers are for developers with 5+ years of experience who live in the US.


We will dig further into these numbers when Stack Overflow releases their dataset, which they plan to do next week.

当Stack Overflow发布他们计划在下周进行的数据集时,我们将进一步研究这些数字。

So what types of jobs are these developers working?


所有开发人员中有一半是Web开发人员。 (Half of all developers are web developers.)

The web is still the platform where most work is done. The combined native development platforms of mobile and desktop account for less than 15% of the jobs.

网络仍然是完成大多数工作的平台。 移动和台式机相结合的本机开发平台仅占不到15%的工作。

Some of this may be attributable to the fact that the web is essentially everyone’s back end. Most native apps hook into web APIs. Even Instagram has a much more complicated web back end than the mobile app portion that runs on your phone.

部分原因可能是由于网络本质上是每个人的后端。 大多数本机应用程序都与Web API挂钩。 甚至InstagramWeb后端也比手机上运行的移动应用程序部分复杂得多。

Considering the popularity of web development, which technologies are developers using on the job?


JavaScript和SQL仍然是最受欢迎的技术(自2013年这项调查开始以来就已经存在)。 (JavaScript and SQL are still the most popular technologies (and have been since this survey began in 2013).)

JavaScript is still the most extensively used tool, and is popular with developers who specialize on the front end:


In fact, JavaScript is now the most popular language with back end developers, too.


SQL has declined a bit in popularity, due in part to the rise of NoSQL databases like MongoDB (which uses JavaScript as its querying language instead of SQL).


Mac OS X现在是开发人员最受欢迎的操作系统。 (Mac OS X is now the most popular operating system for developers.)

Windows 7 was the most popular last year, and if you add up all the versions of Windows, it’s still used by half of developers.

Windows 7是去年最受欢迎的软件,如果将Windows的所有版本加总,则仍有一半的开发人员使用它。

Anecdotally, almost all of the developers I see at hackathons in San Francisco now use Macs.


One trend that many developers welcome is the disappearance of joke job titles.


大多数开发人员只是称自己为“开发人员”。 (Most developers simply call themselves “developers.”)

I’ve already written about how there are many synonyms for “developer”, and how developers tend to put “Software Engineer” on their resume because it sounds more important.


These days, fewer people tend to refer to themselves as “rockstars”, “ninjas”, or “gurus.” “Hacker” is somewhat popular still, though this term has negative connotations with non-programmers, who tend to confuse “hackers” with black hat “crackers”.

如今,越来越少的人倾向于称自己为“摇滚明星”,“忍者”或“大师”。 “骇客”在某种程度上仍然很受欢迎,尽管该术语在非程序员中具有负面含义,后者倾向于将“黑客”与黑帽“骗子”混为一谈。

But calling yourself a “ninja” is kind of a juvenile thing to do, right? Surely those kids are under-represented in the field…

但是称自己为“忍者”是一种少年行为,对吗? 当然,这些孩子在该领域的代表性不足。

开发人员的平均年龄为29.6岁。 中位年龄是27岁。 (The average age of a developer is 29.6 years old. The median age is 27.)

Actually, more than half of developers are under 30. I’ve written a bit about why I think this is. I don’t believe it’s simply a matter of age discrimination, though that probably is a factor. Other things to consider:

实际上,超过一半的开发人员年龄在30岁以下。我已经写了一些关于为什么我认为是这样的原因。 我不认为这仅仅是年龄歧视的问题,尽管这可能是一个因素。 要考虑的其他事项:

  • Developers often move into management.开发人员经常进入管理。
  • Developers make a lot of money, so they may be able to retire younger.开发人员赚了很多钱,因此他们可以退休。
  • Software developers may burn out before they reach older age.软件开发人员可能在年龄变老之前就筋疲力尽。
  • In the developing world, where about 80% of people live, software development only recently became a viable career.在大约80%的人口居住的发展中国家,软件开发直到最近才成为可行的职业。
  • The world population skews young. The average human being is only 30.世界人口偏向年轻。 人均只有30岁。

It’s worth pointing out that last year’s Stack Overflow survey found the average age to be only 28.9, so software development may be aging a bit as a profession.

值得指出的是,去年的Stack Overflow调查发现,平均年龄只有28.9岁,因此软件开发作为一种职业可能正在老化。

一般的开发人员只进行了5年或更短的编程工作 (The average developer has only been programming for 5 years or less)

We are a field of newbies. I doubt there is any other profession where only a quarter of the practitioners have more than a decade of experience (other than maybe professional ice climber).

我们是新手领域。 我怀疑是否有其他行业中只有四分之一的从业人员具有超过十年的经验(可能不是专业的攀冰者)。

So remember this the next time you’re tempted to feign astonishment and say “Oh, you haven’t heard of _____?”


找工作最常见的方法是通过朋友 (The most common way to get a job is through a friend)

India is one of the only countries where personal referrals aren’t the most common way of getting a job (they’re a close second to in-house recruiters).


工资仍然是就业决定中的最高优先事项 (Salary is still the highest priority in employment decisions)

German developers prioritized work-life balance slightly above salary. In India, salary was by far the most important factor.

德国开发商优先考虑工作与生活的平衡,略高于薪水。 在印度,薪水是迄今为止最重要的因素。

Which brings us to the result that may be the most surprising to people outside software development.


甚至在软件产品行业中,不到所有软件开发工作的四分之一。 (Less than a quarter of all software development jobs are even in the software product industry.)

Developers are well represented across a wide range of fields. Almost every major company will have developers on staff. It’s quickly becoming one of the most common job titles in the US.

开发人员在各个领域都有很好的代表。 几乎每个大型公司都会有开发人员。 它正在Swift成为美国最常见的职位之一 。

Don’t stop at merely reading my analysis — go check out the full survey and share your insights in the comments.


I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。


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