
    • Codeforces Round #717 (Div. 2)-A. Tit for Tat
      • Problem Description
      • Input
      • Output
      • Sample Input
      • Sample Onput
      • Note
  • 题目大意
  • 题目分析
  • AC代码

Codeforces Round #717 (Div. 2)-A. Tit for Tat

Time Limit: 1 second
Memory Limit: 256 megabytes

Problem Description

Given an array aaa of length nnn, you can do at most kkk operations of the following type on it:

What is lexicographically the smallest array you can obtain?

An array xxx is lexicographically smaller than an array yyy if there exists an index iii such that xi<yix_i<y_ixi​<yi​, and xj=yjx_j=y_jxj​=yj​ for all 1≤j<i1 \le j < i1≤j<i. Less formally, at the first index iii in which they differ, xi<yix_i<y_ixi​<yi​.


The first line contains an integer ttt (1≤t≤201 \le t \le 201≤t≤20) – the number of test cases you need to solve.

The first line of each test case contains 222 integers nnn and kkk (2≤n≤1002 \le n \le 1002≤n≤100, 1≤k≤100001 \le k \le 100001≤k≤10000) — the number of elements in the array and the maximum number of operations you can make.

The second line contains nnn space-separated integers a1a_1a1​, a2a_2a2​, …\ldots…, ana_{n}an​ (0≤ai≤1000 \le a_i \le 1000≤ai​≤100) — the elements of the array aaa.


For each test case, print the lexicographically smallest array you can obtain after at most kkk operations.

Sample Input

3 1
3 1 4
2 10
1 0

Sample Onput

2 1 5
0 1


In the second test case, we start by subtracting 111 from the first element and adding 111 to the second. Then, we can’t get any lexicographically smaller arrays, because we can’t make any of the elements negative.






#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define fi(i, l, r) for (int i = l; i < r; i++)
#define cd(a) scanf("%d", &a)
int a[1010];
int main()
{int N;cin>>N;while(N--){int n,k;cin>>n>>k;fi(i,0,n)//for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cd(a[i]);//scanf("%d", &a[i]);int loc=0;//下标从第一个元素开始while(loc<n-1&&k>0)//第一个大于0的数不是最后一个 且 还有剩余的操作次数if(a[loc])//如果这个数不是0a[loc]--,a[n-1]++,k--;//这个数-1,最后一个数+1,剩余操作次数-1else//否则这个数是0loc++;//下标加一,下次处理下一个数fi(i,0,n)printf("%d ",a[i]);puts("");//换行}return 0;


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