flppy bri

BRI:基本费率界面 (BRI: Basic Rate Interface)

BRI is an abbreviation of "Basic Rate Interface".


It is also known as Basic Rate Access. It is one of the two services made available by the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) planned fundamentally for the usage in subscriber lines. In the business sector, an ISDN BRI connection can make use of the Plain old telephone services (POTS), or plain ordinary telephone services.

也称为基本费率访问。 它是综合服务数字网络(ISDN)所提供的两项服务之一,该服务是为在用户线路中使用而基本规划的。 在商业领域,ISDN BRI连接可以使用普通旧电话服务(POTS)或普通普通电话服务。

The two levels of services in the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) are


  • The Basic Rate Interface (BRI), which is projected commonly for the home and

    基本速率接口(BRI) ,通常用于家庭和家庭

  • small business enterprises in a lot of countries.


    The Primary Rate Interface (PRI), which is projected for substantial users.


Both basic and primary rate interfaces comprise a number of B-channels and a D-channel.


  • The B-channels transmits user data, voice data, and used for additional services.


  • The D-channel transmit control and signaling information and used for numerous arrangements of data and networking of the X.25 packet.


基本速率接口的网络架构 (Network architecture of Basic Rate Interface)

In the Network architecture of Basic Rate Interface, ISDN has facilitated the consistent and trustworthy transmission of data of the service lines, which at the same time a range of users can make use of for their houses and small businesses.


This network architecture is cost-effective and reliable for small corporations, industries, and houses in which exclusively allocated lines, modems, and cabling operating expenses and everyday expenditures required to be kept small. The BRI arrangement makes available 2 bearer channels (B channels) at 64 Kbit/s each and 1 delta channel (D channel) at 16 Kbit/s.

对于小型公司,行业和房屋,这种网络体系结构经济高效且可靠,因为在这些小型公司,行业和房屋中,专门分配的线路,调制解调器和电缆运营支出以及日常支出需要保持在很小的水平。 BRI安排可提供2个每个以64 Kbit / s的承载信道(B信道)和1个以16 Kbit / s的增量信道(D信道)。

In this arrangement, the two given bearer channels can be merged by joining the channel securely to provide a collective data rate of 128 Kbps. B channels comprise exclusively allocated bandwidth and send out data through a configured and circuit-switched channel, at the same time as D channels send out data in the form of packets. In the D channel, the configuration or arrangement of data communication has turn out to be the fundamental form of frame relay.

在这种安排中,两个给定的承载信道可以通过安全地合并信道来合并,以提供128 Kbps的集体数据速率。 B通道包括专门分配的带宽,并通过配置的电路交换通道发送数据,而D通道则以数据包的形式发送数据。 在D通道中,数据通信的配置或安排已成为帧中继的基本形式。

Reference: Basic Rate Interface

参考: 基本费率接口

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'B'

Algo标签在: 词典 –'B '

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/bri-full-form.aspx

flppy bri

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