Building the Mac:The Jounery Is the Reward 之 Competition

1. established                     adj.知名的,资深的;确立已久的,早已投入使用的
… buying from an established company like IBM rather than one named after a piece of fruit.

2. portable                          adj.便携式的,轻便的;可移植的
More substantively(更实质的是), when he moved away from Jef Raskin’s plan for an expensive and underpowered portable appliance and reconceived the Mac as a desktop machine with a GUI …

3. volatile                             adj.(情绪)易变的,易怒的;(液体或固体)易挥发的;易变的;(计算机)易失的

4. compatible                       adj.兼容的
Making matters worse was that neither machine was compatible with the Apple II.

Building the Mac:The Jounery Is the Reward 之 End-to-end Control

5. revenge                              n.复仇
Jobs’s reluctance to make the Mac compatible with the architecture of the Lisa was motivated by more than rivalry or revenge.

6. forsake                               v.抛弃
To Job’s dismay(沮丧), the magazine made public the existence of the daughter he had forsaken.

7. devastate                             v.伤害
But what truly devastated Jobs was that he was not, after all, chosen as the Man of The Year.

Building the Mac:The Jounery Is the Reward 之 Let’s Be Pirate

8. keep a tight rein on             严密控制
He kept a tight rein on the hiring process.

9. retreat                                   n.集思会,休息寓所   v.撤退
Every six months he would take most of his team on a two-day retreat at a nearby resort(度假胜地).

10. warrant                               v.使…显得合理;成为…的根据;保证;担保   授权证,许可证
One of the Mac team’s programmers, Steve Capps, decided this new spirit warranted hoisting(把…吊起) a Jolly Roger.

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