Going public:A Man of Wealth and Fame 之 Options

1. million 百万;billion 十亿

2. eligible                        adj.有资格的;
" What was really so difficult for me is that Steve never told me I wasn’t eligible."

3. crave                           n.渴求
Like his father, he could be flinty when bargaining with suppliers, but he didn’t allow a craving for profits to take precedence over his passion for building great products.

4. philanthropic             adj.乐善好施的
He was not particularly philanthropic.

5. contemptuous             adj.轻视的
Jobs became contemptuous of people who made a display of philanthropy or thinking they could reinvent it.

6. solicit                            v.恳求
But when Brilliant brought some board members, … , to Apple right after its IPO to solicit a donation, Jobs was not forthcoimg.

7. well-groomed                 adj. 被小心照料的;梳洗得整洁的
【groom: v. 擦洗,刷洗;梳理毛发;梳妆,打扮;修饰,修整(某物);培训,使做好准备    n. 新郎;马夫】
When the business questions tapered off, Jobs turned the tables on the well-groomed students.

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