Atari and India 之 Atari

1. flawed           adj.有瑕疵的
It was a flawed theory.

2. grill                v.烧烤,盘问
Jobs grilled him.

3. recruit   ,说服,动员
Jobs decided he should do the same, and he recruited Danile Kottke to go with him.

4. jovial                adj.天性快活的,主神庇佑的
When Jobs told the folks at Atari that he was quitting to go search for a guru in India, the jovial Alcorn was amused.

5. eradicate           v.根除
…, an epidemiologist(流行病学家) who was working to eradicate smallpox(天花).

6. philanthropic arm            慈善部门
… , and who later ran Google’s philantropic arm

7. impart                v.传授,告知;赋予,给予
By this point Jobs was no longer trying to find a guru who could impart wisdom, …

8. tide sb. over                       帮某人渡过难关
He also gave Kottke the rest of his own money, $100, to tide him over.

9. enlightenment     n.启蒙,启迪
It was a pursuit with many paths toward enlightenment.

10. interlude             n.插曲,(两件事情、两种形势之间的)间歇;(戏剧、电影等的)幕间休息
I took the whole thing as a kind of lighthearted interlude.

11. dais                       n.讲台
…, he would sit on a dais.

12. tune out distractions         不理会外界打扰
We learned how to tune out distractions.

13. ambient                 adj.周围的,环境的
…, and taught us how to use ambient sounds to bring us back to focus on our meditation.

14. confide                   v. 托付,委托;吐露,倾诉
Jobs confided to close friends that he was driven by the pain he was feeling about being put up for adoption and not knowing about his birth parents.

15. haunt                        v.萦绕
The refrain(副歌) includes the haunting chant(萦绕于心的吟唱) “Mama don’t go, Daddy come home.”

Atari and India 之 Breakout

16. hook                           v.勾住   n.钩子
…, and he was able to build a version that he hooked up to (连接到) his home TV set.

17. defy                            v.反抗
…, defying the prevailing wisdom …

18. allegation                    n.指控,(无证据的说法)
I don’t know where that allegation comes from…

19. rub off on                    感染,影响;沾上;由于摩擦而在……上留下痕迹
That simplicity rubbed off on him and made him a very focused product person…

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