
Since Windows 2000 however, DNS has become the default name resolution method for Windows-based networks

Networks normally have more than one WINS server and each WINS server should be in push/pull replication; where more than two WINS servers are required the best practice replication model is the hub and spoke, thus the WINS design is not central but distributed.

Each WINS server holds a full copy of every other related WINS system's records. There is no hierarchy in WINS (unlike DNS), but like DNS its database can be queried for the address to contact rather than broadcasting a request for which address to contact.

The system therefore reduces broadcast traffic on the network. However, replication traffic can add to WAN/LAN traffic, although this can be set to replicate in non busy periods. By design any WINS client can register any name with any WINS server. This makes the system prone to abuse or unreliable through poor administration.

All WINS clients should be configured to use a primary WINS server and a different secondary WINS server. The secondary would normally be the hub server. The setting of which WINS servers to use is either in the DHCP scope options or a per client hard coded value.

In theory, if DNS is available, WINS is only necessary if pre-Windows 2000 clients or servers need to resolve names. In reality, especially in large enterprise environments, applications such as SMS 2003 with its use of the 1A record, MS SQL Server 2000 for use of named pipes, and Exchange Server 2000 and 2003 both require WINS for full functionality.

使用 WINS 时,不能发生名称冲突。在一个 WINS 环境中,只能有一台计算机被命名为“SERVERA”。在 DNS 环境中,可以有多台计算机被命名为“SERVERA”。例如,一台计算机可能被命名为“SERVERA.EUROPE.DOMAIN.COM”,另一台计算机可能被命名为“SERVERA.AMERICA.DOMAIN.COM”。如果用户位于“AMERICA”域类型的“\\SERVERA”,他们将连接到“AMERICA”域中的“SERVERA”。如果位于“AMERICA”域中的用户希望连接到“EUROPE”域中的“SERVERA”,那么用户必须指定完全限定的域名称 (FQDN)“SERVERA.EUROPE.DOMAIN.COM”。某些程序可能仅允许最大长度为 15 个字符的输入项作为 NetBIOS 名称。如果有机制可以避免重复的主机名,并且域中的 DNS 后缀列表已提供给了所有客户端,那么这些程序也许仍可以正常运行。


Network discovery requires that the DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP Device Host services are started, that network discovery is allowed to communicate through Windows Firewall, and that other firewalls are not interfering with network discovery. If some but not all of these are true, the network discovery state will be shown as Custom.

"UPnP Device Host" is a Windows 7 service that "Allows UPnP devices to be hosted on this computer. If this service is stopped, any hosted UPnP devices will stop functioning and no additional hosted devices can be added. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start." "UPnP Device Host" service is provided by upnphost.dll DLL file.

Detailed information on "UPnP Device Host" service:

Service name: upnphost
Display name: UPnP Device Host
Execution command: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceAndNoImpersonation
Start type: Manual
Service status: Stopped
Dependencies:HTTPSSDP Discovery


如果使用的是 Windows 防火墙,则可以跳过这一部分,因为在您共享某些内容或启用“网络发现”时,Windows 防火墙会自动打开正确的端口,以便进行文件和打印机共享。(有关网络发现的详细信息,请参阅什么是网络发现?)如果使用的是其他防火墙,则您必须亲自打开这些端口,以便计算机可以找到具有要共享的文件或打印机的其他计算机和设备。

若要查找运行 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7 的其他计算机,请打开以下端口:http://tcp-udp-ports.com/details.php?port=5357

  • UDP 3702

  • UDP 5355 LLMNR (Link Local Multicast Name Resolution) protocol

  • TCP 5357 Web Services on Devices API (WSDAPI)

  • TCP 5358 WSDAPI Applications to Use a Secure Channel (only provided by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008)

若要查找运行早期版本 Windows 的其他计算机,并且在任何版本的 Windows 上使用文件和打印机共享,请打开以下端口:

  • UDP 137

  • UDP 138

  • TCP 139

  • TCP 445

  • UDP 5355


  • UDP 1900

  • TCP 2869

  • UDP 3702 Web Service Discovery

  • UDP 5355

  • TCP 5357

  • TCP 5358

若要使家庭组在运行 Windows 7 的计算机之间正常工作,请打开以下端口:

  • UDP 137

  • UDP 138

  • TCP 139

  • TCP 445

  • UDP 1900 SSDP广播

  • TCP 2869 SSDP event notification

  • TCP 3587

  • UDP 3702 Web Service Discovery

  • UDP 5355

  • TCP 5357

  • TCP 5358


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