

Given two strings S​1​​ and S​2​​, S=S​1​​−S​2​​ is defined to be the remaining string after taking all the characters in S​2​​ from S​1​​. Your task is simply to calculate S​1​​−S​2​​ for any given strings. However, it might not be that simple to do it fast.

Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. Each case consists of two lines which gives S​1​​ and S​2​​, respectively. The string lengths of both strings are no more than 10​4​​. It is guaranteed that all the characters are visible ASCII codes and white space, and a new line character signals the end of a string.

Output Specification:
For each test case, print S​1​​−S​2​​ in one line.

Sample Input:
They are students.

Sample Output:
Thy r stdnts.


using namespace std;
int a[300];
int main() {string s1, s2; getline(cin, s1);  getline(cin, s2);for(auto i : s2) a[i]++;for(auto i : s1) if(a[i] == 0) cout << i;return 0;


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