

One, the cleaning that should be done before turning off every day:

Double-click on the "my computer" -- "attributes" -- - click disk C points "disk cleanup" -- "ok" again "is" - - to "ok". Clean up process, you can see without your permission, you can point "view files",) in "temporary file" cleared, much more disk space. D, E, and F are also going to be used in this way.

2, always be cleaned up:

Open web pages - point in the top row of "tool" - "Internet options", and then points in the middle of the "temporary Internet files" in the "delete files", again in front of the "delete all offline content" in the box ticked on, point to "ok", after the qing and some "ok". In this way, you can increase the speed of the network and space.

A week of garbage disposal:

Point "start" - with the mouse pointing to the "all programs", and then pointed to the "attachment", again "system tools", then the essence "disk slice of finishing process" - PM disk C, order "defragmentation" (it takes a long time, the best when you go to eat and no computer. Clean up you can see in your dish, can compare before and after the clean up), after the jump out "clean finish" points "off". Press the above to clean up D, E, and F.

Computer system is slower and slower, how to delete temporary files

Turn off "sleep"

Method: open [control panel] to [power option] and [sleep], remove the check in front of "enable dormancy"

Description: sleep is a kind of standby system for a long time, allows you to leave the computer for a long time the save operation state, if you are not often open computer somewhere, then take it off!

Immediate savings: 256M

Turn off "system restore"

Methods: open [control panel], [system], [system restore], to turn off the system restore on all drives

System restore is easy wrong operation or produce a means of saving in a software problem, can return to the wrong operation state before. Not recommended for the primary users. Of course, it USES a tracking method, a l


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