





英 [kəmˈpju:tə(r)]

美 [kəmˈpjutɚ]

复数: computers


My computer crashed yesterday.


I've got a new operating system for my computer.


He finds the reason of my computer crash.


It'll take my computer a couple of minutes to boot.


They are computer operators.


The new fast computer is now the benchmark in the computer industry.


The quality of the computers are good || The quality of the computers is good


The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s


Program a computer for pay calculations



Notebook computers, also known as hand-held computer or laptop is a small, portable personal computer, usually 1-3 kg of weight. The current trend is that size is getting smaller and smaller, more and more light weight, and is all the more powerful features. In order to reduce the size of the notebook computers generally have a liquid crystal display (LCD also known as LCD). In addition to the keyboard, with some touchpad (touchpad) or touch points (pointing stick) as a positioning device (Pointing device).

Now on the point of view, from a notebook computer use in general can be divided into 4 categories: business-type fashion, and multimedia applications, special purpose. Business-notebook computer features can be summed up as the general movement is strong, (battery) life for a long time;-look-specific fashion are also suitable for business use of the laptop-style; multimedia applications based notebook computer is a powerful combination of graphics and multimedia processing power And both a certain degree of mobility of the complex, multi-media market common notebook computer has a separate more advanced graphics, larger screen, and other characteristics; special purpose notebook computer professionals in the service, you can heat Cold, depression, war, and other adverse circumstances the use of models, more than heavy.


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