

(text type) computer knowledge/tertiary network technology

3, the computer three level network technology is a real problem




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【 abstract 】

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The computer level 3 network technology is a real problem

(1) the workstation usually has a strong graphics capability and supports the AGP high-speed graphics port.

(2) the United States a special committee of the IEEE, once the computer is divided into six categories: namely, mainframe, minicomputer, personal computers, workstations, and small giant computer mainframe computers.

(3) according to the OSI reference model, every node in the network has the same level, and the peer layer at different nodes USES the same protocol.

(4) UDP is an unconnected, unreliable transport layer protocol

(5) the MAC address of Ethemet is 48.

(6) unlike the Shared media network, the switched network can increase the bandwidth of the LAN through the concurrent connections between the switch ports.

(7) there are three main modes of frame forwarding for Ethernet switches, which are direct exchange, improved direct exchange and store forward switching.

(8) 100base-t network CARDS are: 100base-tx, 100base-fx, 100base-t4 and 100base-t2.

(9) Novell's once-sensational Internet operating system is NetWare, which still has a version 6.5 today.

(10) the UNIX system structure is composed of two parts: one is the kernel and the other is the external program.

(11) IP has two forms of broadcast addresses, which are direct broadcast addresses and limited broadcast addresses.

(13) an E-mail application that sends an E-mail to the mail server is SMTP

(14) the general steps of network failure management include finding fault, fault diagnosis, isolation failure, repair failure, record failure.

(15) in the Internet, the transport layer protocol used by SNMP is UDP

(16) when information flows from the sourc


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