google +按钮

If you’ve used Google lately, you’ve probably seen Google+ taking over Google’s search results. You don’t have to put up with it — you can disable the integration, show better social-networking pages or hide those pesky Google+ notifications.

如果您最近使用过Google,则可能已经看到Google+接管了Google的搜索结果。 您不必忍受它-您可以禁用集成,显示更好的社交网络页面或隐藏那些讨厌的Google+通知。

The Google+ integration, also known as “Search, plus Your World” or personalized search results, takes a few forms. It doesn’t only show personalized content — it also presents popular Google+ pages, even if you’re not logged in.

Google+集成(也称为“搜索,加上您的世界”或个性化搜索结果)采用几种形式。 它不仅显示个性化内容,还显示流行的Google+信息页,即使您尚未登录也是如此。

禁用个性化搜索 (Disabling Personalized Search)

Perform some searches in Google and you’ll probably end up seeing Google+ content.


You could click the “Hide Personal Results” icon, but you’d still see personalized search results each time you opened your browser and performed a Google search.


You can disable it permanently from Google’s “Search Settings” screen.


Click “Do Not Use Personal Results” on the page.


Click the Save button to save your settings. If you’ve disabled cookies in your web browser, you’ll need to enable them or Google won’t remember your settings.

单击保存按钮以保存您的设置。 如果您已在网络浏览器中禁用了Cookie,则需要启用它们,否则Google不会记住您的设置。

不要作恶; 关注用户 (Don’t Be Evil; Focus on the User)

After you disable this, you’ll still see the “People and Pages on Google+” sidebar occasionally. It presents popular Google+ pages related to your query — but is the Google+ page really the best social-networking page?

禁用此功能后,您仍然偶尔会看到“ Google+上的人和页面”侧边栏。 它会显示与您的查询相关的热门Google+页面-但是Google+页面真的是最好的社交网络页面吗?

A project called Focus on the User doesn’t think so. Instead of presenting you with only Google+ pages, it will present you with the best possible social-networking pages, whether they’re from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or elsewhere.

名为“关注用户”的项目并不这么认为。 不仅会为您提供Google+信息页,还会为您提供最佳的社交网络页面,无论它们来自Facebook,Twitter,YouTube还是其他地方。

First, you’ll have to enable your bookmarks toolbar if it’s disabled. In Chrome, click the wrench menu, point to Bookmarks and select “Show Bookmarks Bar.” In Firefox, right-click the toolbar and select “Bookmarks Bar.”

首先,如果禁用了书签工具栏,则必须启用它。 在Chrome浏览器中,点击扳手菜单,指向书签,然后选择“显示书签栏” 。 在Firefox中,右键单击工具栏,然后选择“书签栏”

Once you have, click the “Try a More Relevant Google” link on the Focus on the User page, then drag and drop the cheekily-named “don’t be evil” link onto your bookmarks bar.

拥有后,在“用户”页面上的“焦点”上单击“尝试更相关的Google ”链接,然后将俗称的“不要作恶”链接拖放到书签栏上。

Whenever you see Google+ results on Google, click the “don’t be evil” bookmarklet and make Google show the best social-networking pages.


Wondering how this works? The bookmarklet just scans through Google’s search results for the person and selects the social-networking page that appears highest in the search rankings. In other words, Google already knows the best social-networking pages, but it would rather push Google+.

想知道这是如何工作的? 小书签仅浏览该人的Google搜索结果,并选择在搜索排名中排名最高的社交网络页面。 换句话说,谷歌已经知道最好的社交网络页面,但是它宁愿推出Google+。

隐藏Google+通知 (Hiding Google+ Notifications)

If you’ve signed up for a Google+ account, you’ve probably noticed the notifier following you all over Google.


Google doesn’t provide any way to disable it, but you can use a browser extension to hide it. Try the Hide Google+ Notification extension for Chrome or the Google Plus Notification Hider add-on for Firefox.

Google没有提供任何禁用它的方法,但是您可以使用浏览器扩展来隐藏它。 尝试使用Chrome的“隐藏Google+通知”扩展程序或Firefox的“ Google Plus通知隐藏器”插件。

After you install the extension, you won’t be hassled with notifications unless you go to Google+ itself.


拥抱Google+ (Embracing Google+)

There’s another option to improve the Google+ integration — embracing Google+ itself. This makes your search results more, well, personal. For example, once you circle How-To Geek on Google+, you’ll see stuff How-To Geek has shared.

还有另一种改善Google+集成的方法-拥抱Google+本身。 这使您的搜索结果更加个性化。 例如,一旦您在Google+上圈了How-To Geek ,就会看到How-To Geek共享的内容。

Like it or not, Google+ seems here to stay. Google users will have to learn to live with it, love it or at least work around it. There’s always Bing, though.

不管喜欢与否,Google +似乎将继续存在。 Google用户必须学会使用它,喜欢它,或者至少要解决它。 不过总有Bing 。


google +按钮

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