谷歌play 数据接口

Your phone stores a wealth of information such as apps you download, websites you visit, and searches you perform. Clearing out the caches and data for apps will clear out this information, however, you must clear the cache and data for each app separately.

您的手机存储了大量信息,例如您下载的应用程序,您访问的网站以及您执行的搜索。 清除应用程序的缓存和数据将清除此信息,但是,您必须分别清除每个应用程序的缓存和数据。

However, apps such as Gmail, Search, Chrome, and the various Google Play apps are all included in Google Play Services. The caches and data for these apps can be managed in one place. We’ll show you how to manage data stored by Google Play Services on Google devices and Samsung devices.

但是,Gmail,搜索,Chrome等应用程序以及各种Google Play应用程序都包含在Google Play服务中。 这些应用程序的缓存和数据可以在一个地方进行管理。 我们将向您展示如何管理Google Play服务在Google设备和Samsung设备上存储的数据。

On a Google device, such as a Nexus 7, swipe down from the right side of the notification bar at the top of the screen and touch the “Settings” button.

在Nexus 7等Google设备上,从屏幕顶部通知栏的右侧向下滑动,然后触摸“设置”按钮。

In the “Device” section of the “Settings” screen, touch “Apps.”


There are three sections of the Apps screen: “Downloaded,” “Running,” and “All”. Swipe the headings to the right or left to move among the sections. Scroll down and find the “Google Play services” app under “Downloaded”, which is the default heading that displays, and touch it.

应用程序屏幕分为三个部分:“已下载”,“正在运行”和“全部”。 向右或向左滑动标题以在各部分之间移动。 向下滚动并找到“已下载”(这是显示的默认标题)下的“ Google Play服务”应用,然后触摸它。

On the “App info” screen for “Google Play services,” touch “Manage space” to manage the store for your Google Play services account.

在“ Google Play服务”的“应用信息”屏幕上,触摸“管理空间”以管理您Google Play服务帐户的商店。

The “Google Play services storage” screen displays. To manage the search data for your Google Play apps, touch the “Manage search data” button under “Search Data.”

显示“ Google Play服务存储”屏幕。 要管理Google Play应用的搜索数据,请触摸“搜索数据”下的“管理搜索数据”按钮。

The “Search Data” screen displays listing the space usage by app. To clear the cache or data for a specific app, touch the app name in the list.

显示“搜索数据”屏幕,其中按应用列出了空间使用情况。 要清除特定应用的缓存或数据,请触摸列表中的应用名称。

On the “App info” screen, you can clear the data for the app by touching the “Clear data” button in the “Storage” section.


A dialog box displays warning you that all of this app’s data will be deleted permanently.


NOTE: This is not recommended unless you want to reset an app or are uninstalling an app.


If you are sure you want to delete the app’s data, touch “OK” or touch “Cancel” to avoid deleting this data.


Touch the “Clear cache” in the “Cache” section to clear the cache for the selected app. No dialog box displays; the size of the cache above the “Clear cache” button decreases.

触摸“缓存”部分中的“清除缓存”以清除所选应用程序的缓存。 没有对话框显示; “清除缓存”按钮上方的缓存大小会减小。

Some apps with Google Drive integration store files on your device to improve performance and allow you to use the apps offline. To clear these files, touch the “Clear” button under “Local Drive storage.”

某些具有Google云端硬盘集成功能的应用程序会在您的设备上存储文件,以提高性能并允许您离线使用这些应用程序。 要清除这些文件,请触摸“本地驱动器存储”下的“清除”按钮。

The “Clear all data” dialog box displays warning you about deleting these files. There may be some pending changes you can lose if they have not been uploaded to the Google Drive server yet. If you are ready to delete these files, touch “OK.” This can be useful if you’re having trouble with files syncing to Google Drive.

显示“清除所有数据”对话框,警告您有关删除这些文件。 如果尚未将其上传到Google云端硬盘服务器,则可能会丢失一些待处理的更改。 如果您准备删除这些文件,请触摸“确定”。 如果您在将文件同步到Google云端硬盘时遇到问题,这将非常有用。

If you want to clear all the data stored by “Google Play services,” touch the “Clear all data” under “Total storage.” Again, a dialog box displays warning you that all the data for all of the “Google Play services” apps will be deleted permanently.

如果您想清除“ Google Play服务”存储的所有数据,请触摸“总存储量”下的“清除所有数据”。 再次显示一个对话框,警告您所有“ Google Play服务”应用程序的所有数据将被永久删除。

NOTE: This is not recommended unless you want to reset an app or are uninstalling an app.


If you are sure you want to delete the app’s data, touch “OK,” or touch “Cancel” to avoid deleting this data.


NOTE: If you have an Android Wear device, use the “Manage wearable storage” button to manage data stored by apps to replicate data to a wearable device.

注意:如果您有Android Wear设备,请使用“管理可穿戴设备”按钮来管理应用存储的数据,以将数据复制到可穿戴设备。

When you’re done clearing cache and/or data for “Google Play services,” touch the “Back” button on your device to return to the “App info” screen.

完成清除“ Google Play服务”的缓存和/或数据后,请触摸设备上的“后退”按钮以返回“应用信息”屏幕。

To clear the cache for all Google Play services apps, touch the “Clear cache” button on the “App info” screen for “Google Play services.”

要清除所有Google Play服务应用的缓存,请触摸“应用信息”屏幕上“ Google Play服务”的“清除缓存”按钮。

To access the “App info” screen for “Google Play services” on a Samsung device, swipe down from the notification bar at the top of the screen and touch the settings, or gear, button in the upper-right corner.

要访问三星设备上“ Google Play服务”的“应用程序信息”屏幕,请从屏幕顶部的通知栏向下滑动,然后触摸右上角的设置或齿轮按钮。

On the “Settings” screen, touch “Applications.”


The “Applications” screen displays. Touch “Application manager.”

显示“应用程序”屏幕。 触摸“应用程序管理器”。

From here, the procedure is the same as on a Google device.


You can also clear your search and apps history in the Google Play Store, clear your Google search history and clear your browser history in various popular browsers on Android.

您还可以在Google Play商店中清除搜索和应用程序历史记录,清除Google搜索历史记录,并在Android上各种流行的浏览器中清除浏览器历史记录。


谷歌play 数据接口

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