
Changing your Gmail password is a simple process in your web browser or mobile app, and will take you just a couple of minutes. Here’s how to do it.

在网络浏览器或移动应用中,更改Gmail密码是一个简单的过程,只需几分钟即可完成。 这是操作方法。

从Google主页更改密码 (Change Your Password from the Google Homepage)

First, head over to the Google home page, and then click the “Sign In” button at the top right.

首先,转到Google主页 ,然后单击右上角的“登录”按钮。

You’re redirected to a sign in page where you must provide your current Google username (or the phone number you used to create the account). Do that, and then click the “Next” button.

您将被重定向到登录页面,您必须在其中提供当前的Google用户名(或用于创建帐户的电话号码)。 这样做,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Type your current password, and then hit “Next” again.


Note: If you’re changing your password because you’ve forgotten your current one, you’ll have to go through Google’s password recovery option to reset it.

注意 :如果由于忘记了当前密码而要更改密码,则必须通过Google的密码恢复选项进行重置。

After signing in, you’re returned to Google’s home page. At the top right, click your profile picture, and then click the “My Account” button.

登录后,您将返回到Google主页。 在右上角,单击您的个人资料图片,然后单击“我的帐户”按钮。

In the “Sign In & Security” section of the next page, click the “Signing In To Google” link.


Next, click the “Password” option.


Because your password is the only way to access your account, Google requires you to verify your password one more time (in case someone is trying to change your password from an active session on a different computer). Note that if you have two-factor authentication enabled you’ll be sent a confirmation code to the phone number provided.

由于您的密码是访问帐户的唯一方法,因此Google要求您再次验证一次密码(以防有人尝试从另一台计算机上的活动会话中更改密码)。 请注意,如果启用了双重身份验证,则会向您提供的电话号码发送确认码。

Finally, you get to type and confirm a new password you want to use. Do that, and then click the “Change Password” button.

最后,您输入并确认要使用的新密码。 这样做,然后单击“更改密码”按钮。

When choosing a new password you should consider creating one that is strong and difficult for someone to guess to prevent your account from being compromised in the future.


从Gmail收件箱更改密码 (Change Your Password from Your Gmail Inbox)

If you want to change your password from your Gmail inbox, click on the settings cog in the upper right corner of the Gmail page, and then click the “Settings” option.


On the Settings page, click the “Accounts And Import” link.


And then click the “Change Password” link.


The remaining steps are the same as changing your password from the Google home page. Provide your current password to confirm your identity, and then create a new secure password on the next page to complete the process.

其余步骤与从Google主页更改密码相同。 提供当前密码以确认您的身份,然后在下一页上创建一个新的安全密码以完成该过程。

Once you’ve confirmed your password and submitted the form, you’re all set. At this point you may want to take a look at other recovery and security options for your Google account, such as enabling two-factor authentication and supplying a recovery email address.

确认密码并提交表格后,一切就绪。 此时,您可能需要查看Google帐户的其他恢复和安全选项,例如启用两因素身份验证和提供恢复电子邮件地址。




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