0.1)本代码均为原创,旨在将树的遍历应用一下下以加深印象而已;(回答了学习树的遍历到底有什么用的问题?)你对比下linux 中的文件树 和我的打印结果就明理了;
0.2)我们采用的是 儿子兄弟表示法 来 表示树的整体节点构造;
0.3.1)如下图所示: 向下的箭头(左指针)指向第一个儿子节点, 从左到右的箭头(右指针)指向下一个兄弟节点;(间接说明了树的节点有两个指针)

struct Tree;
typedef struct Tree *Tree;// we adopt child-sibling notation
struct Tree
{ElementType value;Tree firstChild;Tree nextSibling;
0.4)哥子第一次 使用着 丑到逼爆 的 编辑器,也是醉了,主要是markdown 对于源代码文件显示不够清晰, oh m g;
我们想要列出目录中所有文件的名字, 我们的输出格式将是:深度为 depth 的文件的名字将被 depth 次跳格缩进后打印出来;
download source code:https://github.com/pacosonTang/dataStructure-algorithmAnalysis/blob/master/chapter4/p68_preorder_common_tree.c
source code at a glance:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>#define ElementType char
#define Error(str) printf("\n error: %s \n",str)   struct Tree;
typedef struct Tree *Tree;Tree createTree();
Tree makeEmpty(Tree t);
Tree insert(ElementType e, Tree t);// we adopt child-sibling notation
struct Tree
{ElementType value;Tree firstChild;Tree nextSibling;
};// create a tree with root node
Tree createTree()
{   Tree t;t = (Tree)malloc(sizeof(struct Tree));if(!t) {Error("out of space, from func createTree");        return NULL;}    t->firstChild = NULL;t->nextSibling = NULL;    t->value = '/';return t;
}// make the tree empty
Tree makeEmpty(Tree t)
{if(t){makeEmpty(t->firstChild);makeEmpty(t->nextSibling);        free(t);}           return NULL;
Tree insert(ElementType e, Tree parent)
{Tree child;Tree newSibling;if(!parent){Error("for parent tree node is empty , you cannot insert one into the parent node, from func insert");        return NULL;}newSibling = (Tree)malloc(sizeof(struct Tree));if(!newSibling) {Error("out of space, from func insert");        return NULL;}newSibling->value = e;newSibling->nextSibling = NULL;newSibling->firstChild = NULL;// building the node with value e overchild = parent->firstChild;   if(!child) {parent->firstChild = newSibling;return parent;}while(child->nextSibling)child = child->nextSibling; // find the last child of parent nodechild->nextSibling = newSibling;return parent;
}// find the tree root node with value equaling to e
Tree find(ElementType e, Tree root)
{Tree temp;if(root == NULL)return NULL;if(root->value == e)return root;temp = find(e, root->firstChild); if(temp) return temp;elsereturn     find(e, root->nextSibling);
}// analog print directories and files name in the tree, which involves preorder traversal.
void printPreorder(int depth, Tree root)
{           int i;if(root) {        for(i = 0; i < depth; i++)printf("    ");printf("%c\n", root->value);          printPreorder(depth + 1, root->firstChild);                                 printPreorder(depth, root->nextSibling);}
}int main()
{Tree tree;tree = createTree();printf("\n test for insert 'A' 'B' into the parent '/' and 'C' 'D' into the parent 'A' \n");  insert('A', tree);    insert('B', find('/', tree));   insert('C', find('A', tree));insert('D', find('A', tree));printPreorder(1, tree);printf("\n test for insert 'E' 'F' into the parent '/'  \n");  insert('E', find('/', tree));insert('F', find('/', tree));printPreorder(1, tree);printf("\n test for insert 'G' 'H' into the parent 'E' and 'I' into the parent 'H' and even 'J' 'K' into the parent 'I' \n");    insert('G', find('E', tree));insert('H', find('E', tree));insert('I', find('H', tree));insert('J', find('I', tree));insert('K', find('I', tree));printPreorder(1, tree);return 0;
download source code:https://github.com/pacosonTang/dataStructure-algorithmAnalysis/blob/master/chapter4/p69_postorder_commone_tree.c

source code at a glance:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>#define ElementType char
#define Error(str) printf("\n error: %s \n",str)   struct Tree;
typedef struct Tree *Tree;Tree createTree();
Tree makeEmpty(Tree t);
Tree insert(ElementType e, Tree t);// we adopt child-sibling notation
struct Tree
{ElementType value;Tree firstChild;Tree nextSibling;
};// create a tree with root node
Tree createTree()
{   Tree t;t = (Tree)malloc(sizeof(struct Tree));if(!t) {Error("out of space, from func createTree");        return NULL;}    t->firstChild = NULL;t->nextSibling = NULL;    t->value = '/';return t;
}// make the tree empty
Tree makeEmpty(Tree t)
{if(t){makeEmpty(t->firstChild);makeEmpty(t->nextSibling);        free(t);}           return NULL;
Tree insert(ElementType e, Tree parent)
{Tree child;Tree newSibling;if(!parent){Error("for parent tree node is empty , you cannot insert one into the parent node, from func insert");        return NULL;}newSibling = (Tree)malloc(sizeof(struct Tree));if(!newSibling) {Error("out of space, from func insert");        return NULL;}newSibling->value = e;newSibling->nextSibling = NULL;newSibling->firstChild = NULL;// building the node with value e overchild = parent->firstChild;   if(!child) {parent->firstChild = newSibling;return parent;}while(child->nextSibling)child = child->nextSibling; // find the last child of parent nodechild->nextSibling = newSibling;return parent;
}// find the tree root node with value equaling to e
Tree find(ElementType e, Tree root)
{Tree temp;if(root == NULL)return NULL;if(root->value == e)return root;temp = find(e, root->firstChild); if(temp) return temp;elsereturn     find(e, root->nextSibling);
}// analog print directories and files name in the tree, which involves postorder traversal.
void printPostorder(int depth, Tree root)
{           int i;if(root) {                        printPostorder(depth + 1, root->firstChild);                                            for(i = 0; i < depth; i++)printf("    ");       printf("%c\n", root->value);           printPostorder(depth, root->nextSibling);}
}int main()
{Tree tree;tree = createTree();printf("\n ====== test for postordering the common tree presented by child_sibling structure  ====== \n");    printf("\n test for insert 'A' 'B' into the parent '/' and 'C' 'D' into the parent 'A' \n");  insert('A', tree);    insert('B', find('/', tree));   insert('C', find('A', tree));insert('D', find('A', tree));printPostorder(1, tree);printf("\n test for insert 'E' 'F' into the parent '/'  \n"); insert('E', find('/', tree));insert('F', find('/', tree));printPostorder(1, tree);printf("\n test for insert 'G' 'H' into the parent 'E' and 'I' into the parent 'H' and even 'J' 'K' into the parent 'I' \n");   insert('G', find('E', tree));insert('H', find('E', tree));insert('I', find('H', tree));insert('J', find('I', tree));insert('K', find('I', tree));printPostorder(1, tree);return 0;



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