
This is a popular story which illustrates the advantages of not just plowing away at your work, but improving your knowledge, planning, skills and preparation first to achieve a better outcome in the end


Once upon a time there were two men who lived in the same forest and decided to have a contest chopping wood.  The first man was in good physical shape and very muscular.  The second man was in good shape but smaller in statute and wiry.  They would chop wood all day and at the end of the day compare to see who had chopped the most wood.  The first man laughed to himself that there was no way this wiry little man would beat him and so they began the contest.  Every 45 minutes the second smaller man would take a break and seems to just wonder off somewhere.  The first man laughed again to himself and said “Yep there’s no way this wiry little man is going to beat me.”  This happens several times during the day.  At the end of the day the two men compare their piles of chopped wood and unbelievably enough the wiry little man has chopped twice as much wood as the more physically fit man.  He says “I don’t understand.  First I’m twice your size and twice your strength!  On top of that every 45 minutes you rolled off and took a break or a nap or something.  You must have cheated!”  The smaller man says “I didn’t cheat.  It was easy to beat you because every 45 minutes when you thought I was taking a break, I was out back sharpening my ax.” 1

曾几何时,有两个人住在同一片森林里,决定参加一场比赛以砍柴。 第一个男人身体状况良好,非常肌肉。 第二个人身体状况良好,但体格和体格较小。 他们会整天砍木头,一天结束时比较一下谁砍了最多的木头。 第一个男人对自己开怀大笑,这个笨拙的小男人不可能击败他,于是他们开始了比赛。 第二个较小的男人每隔45分钟就会休息一下,似乎只是想知道在某个地方。 第一个男人再次对自己大笑,说:“是的,这个聪明的小男人不可能打败我。” 一天中会发生几次。 一天结束时,两个人比较了他们切碎的木头堆,令人难以置信的是,这个矮小的矮个子男人砍下的木头是身体更健康的男人的两倍。 他说:“我不明白。 首先,我的身高是您的两倍,力量是您的两倍! 最重要的是,每隔45分钟,您会滚下来休息一会儿或小睡一会儿。 你一定是被骗了!” 较小的男人说:“我没有作弊。 打败你很容易,因为每隔45分钟,当你以为我要休息时,我就会把斧头削尖。” 1个

锐化斧头可能是 (Sharpening your ax could be)

  • reading books, blogs, slack streams, trade magazines. aka Read, Read, Read 阅读书籍,博客,闲散流媒体,行业杂志。 aka读,读,读
  • targeted searches to find specific things to improve your efficiency, skill, performance on a particular task 进行有针对性的搜索以查找特定的内容,以提高您在特定任务上的效率,技能和绩效
  • asking for time from your mentor 向您的导师询问时间
  • taking time off to meditate, travel, think 抽出时间打坐,旅行,思考
  • refreshing your motivation with exercise, reading, personal challenges 通过锻炼,阅读,个人挑战来恢复动力
  • goal setting exercises – distilling your task into a number/ratio that you can see daily progress towards accomplishing. This sharpens your focus and your ax 目标设定练习–将任务提炼成一定数量/比率,您可以看到完成任务的每日进度。 这会突出您的注意力和斧头
  • narrowing your task, more closely defining it, reducing it to shorter (ideally daily) deliverables. Long tasks dull axes and don’t give you opportunities to sharpen your ax – so this is a double whammy 缩小任务范围,更严格地定义任务,将任务简化为更短的时间(理想情况下是每天)。 漫长的任务会使斧头变钝,并且不会给您机会来削尖斧头–因此这是双重打击
  • reducing multi-tasking. Focus on no more than 2-3 tasks in total – ever. Ideally focus on accomplishing one task in a given day. Chopping too many trees at once really dulls your ax. Every completed task should trigger some ax sharpening 减少多任务处理。 总共只关注不超过2-3个任务。 理想情况下,专注于在给定的一天完成一项任务。 一次砍太多树确实会使斧头变钝。 每个完成的任务应触发一些斧头锐化
  • sanity checking what you are doing. Is it the most efficient approach? Is this task even worth doing? Does this task support the accomplishment of my goals? 检查您在做什么。 这是最有效的方法吗? 这项任务值得吗? 此任务是否有助于实现目标?

您何时知道是时候磨尖斧头了? (When do you know it is time to sharpen your ax?)

  • When things are going really well and you can coast a bit on what you are doing already and still get good results. This allows you time to sharpen to be ready when they slow down 当事情进展顺利时,您可以对已经做的事情有所了解,但仍能获得良好的结果。 这样,您就可以在速度变慢时有时间进行磨练以作好准备
  • When you hit the point of diminishing returns and you need to make some changes now to get better results 当您遇到收益递减的点时,您需要立即进行一些更改以获得更好的结果
  • When things seem to be stagnating and nothing is changing, you are falling into the same pattern, just going through the motions 当事情似乎停滞不前,什么都没有改变时,您就会陷入相同的模式,只是在经历运动
  • When you get the sense that your tool set and techniques are stale, obsolete, antiquated 当您感觉到您的工具集和技术过时,过时,过时
  • When you begin to feel comfortable with what you are doing and afraid of change 当您开始对自己的工作感到满意并害怕改变时
  • When you are tired, at the end of the day, your productivity is waning. This is a great time to switch gears and use the other side of your brain which is for learning, ax sharpening 当您累了时,到最后,您的生产力正在下降。 这是换档并利用大脑另一端进行学习,削斧的好时机
  • If you haven’t sharpened your ax in a long time – regardless of any of the above. A long time is generally more than 2-3 days 如果您很长一段时间没有削尖斧头,则不管以上任何一项。 时间长一般超过2-3天
  • When your hours are creeping up and/or your productivity seems to be waning 当您的时间越来越少和/或您的生产力似乎正在下降时

1 Franchising Demystified: The Definitive Franchise Handbook.


翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sharpen-your-ax/



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