
Welcome to the Contextures 30 Excel Functions in 30 Days (30XL30D) challenge. Thanks for voting for your favourite functions, and we will cover the top 30 Excel functions (based on total votes), from the following categories:

欢迎参加Contextures 30天30个Excel函数 (30XL30D)挑战。 感谢您对喜欢的功能进行投票,我们将介绍以下类别的前30个Excel函数(基于总投票数):

  • Text文本
  • Information信息
  • Lookup and Reference查找和参考

所有30XL30D功能列表 (List of All 30XL30D Functions)

At the end of the challenge, I'll post a list of all the 30XL30D functions, sorted by vote ranking. However, the top 30 functions will be covered in random order, so be sure you visit here every day, to catch them all.

挑战结束时,我将发布所有30XL30D功能的列表, 并按投票等级排序。 但是,排名前30位的功能将随机排列,因此请确保您每天都在这里访问并了解所有功能。

NOTE: You can have all of the 30 Functions content in an easy-to-use single reference file -- the 30 Excel Functions in 30 Days eBook Kit ($10).

注意:您可以在一个易于使用的单个参考文件中获得这30个函数的全部内容-30天电子书工具包中的30个Excel函数 (10美元)。

To kick off the 30XL30D challenge, here's the first function -- EXACT. There are 7 examples for this function, so if you haven't used EXACT before, you might be surprised by what it can do. If you have tips for this function, or other examples, please share them in the comments.

为启动30XL30D挑战,这是第一个功能-EXACT。 此功能有7个示例,因此,如果您以前从未使用过EXACT,则可能会对它的功能感到惊讶。 如果您有此功能的提示或其他示例,请在评论中分享。

功能01:精确 (Function 01: EXACT)

The EXACT function can check for an exact match between text strings, including upper and lower case. Formatting does not affect the result. If the text strings are exactly the same, the function result is TRUE; if they're not exactly the same, the result is FALSE.

EXACT函数可以检查文本字符串之间的精确匹配,包括大写和小写。 格式化不会影响结果。 如果文本字符串完全相同,则函数结果为TRUE;否则,结果为TRUE。 如果它们不完全相同,则结果为FALSE。

您如何使用它? (How Could You Use It?)

Besides checking two cells to see if their contents match exactly, you can use the EXACT function to do the following:


  • Use with data validation to block changes to a cell与数据验证一起使用以阻止对单元格的更改
  • Force upper case entries in a data validation cell


  • Check for an exact match in a list of codes在代码列表中检查是否完全匹配
  • Find an exact match in a lookup table在查找表中查找完全匹配
  • Count exact matches in a list计算列表中的完全匹配
  • Pinpoint the differences between 2 cells查明2个单元格之间的差异

确切语法 (EXACT Syntax)

The EXACT function has the following syntax:


    • Text1 is the first text string.Text1是第一个文本字符串。
    • Text2 is the second text string.Text2是第二个文本字符串。



You can enter the text1 and text2 arguments as cell references or text strings. In Excel 2007, the maximum string length for EXACT is 32767 characters.

您可以输入text1和text2参数作为单元格引用或文本字符串。 在Excel 2007中,EXACT的最大字符串长度为32767个字符。

精确陷阱 (EXACT Traps)

In Excel 2007 Help, there is the following statement in the Remarks section for the EXACT function.

在Excel 2007帮助中,“备注”部分中的EXACT函数包含以下语句。

"You can also use the double equals (==) comparison operator instead of the EXACT function to make exact comparisons. For example, =A1==B1 returns the same value as =EXACT(A1,B1)."

“您还可以使用双等于(==)比较运算符代替EXACT函数进行精确比较。例如,= A1 == B1返回与= EXACT(A1,B1)相同的值。”

This is incorrect. There is no "double equals" operator in Excel, and this remark has been removed in the Excel 2010 Help.

这是不正确的。 Excel中没有“双等于”运算符,并且此注释已在Excel 2010帮助中删除。

示例1:测试密码 (Example 1: Test a Password)

You've entered a secret password in a cell in your workbook, and you named that cell "pwd". Users will enter a password, and you'll compare their entry to the contents of the "pwd" cell.

您在工作簿的一个单元格中输入了一个秘密密码,并将该单元格命名为“ pwd”。 用户将输入密码,然后您将其输入内容与“ pwd”单元格的内容进行比较。

  • In the screen shot below, the secret password is in cell C2, which is named "pwd". This is on a sheet named AdminData, which can be hidden from users.在下面的屏幕快照中,秘密密码在单元格C2中,名为“ pwd”。 这位于名为AdminData的工作表上,可以对用户隐藏。

On another sheet, users will enter the password, and you'll use the EXACT function to test it.


  • On the Ex01 sheet, the user will type a password in cell C3.在Ex01表上,用户将在单元格C3中键入密码。
  • In cell C4, the equal operator compares the value in C3 to the value in the pwd cell: = C3=pwd

    在单元格C4中,等于运算符将C3中的值与pwd单元格中的值进行比较: = C3 = pwd

  • In cell C5, the EXACT function compares C3 to the pwd cell, including case: =EXACT(C3,pwd)

    在单元格C5中,EXACT函数将C3与pwd单元格进行比较,包括以下情况: = EXACT(C3,pwd)

If the contents of the two cells are identical, including upper and lower case, cell C5 will show TRUE as the result. Any formatting differences, such as bold font, will be ignored.

如果两个单元格的内容相同(包括大写和小写),则单元格C5将显示TRUE。 任何格式差异(例如粗体字体)都将被忽略。

If there is a difference in the contents – if even one letter is a different case, the result in C5 will be FALSE.


示例2:允许更改单元格 (Example 2: Allow Changes to a Cell)

After the user enters the correct password, you could allow changes to specific cells in the worksheet. For example, a custom data validation formula in cell C5 could control changes to the Daily Rate.

用户输入正确的密码后,您可以允许更改工作表中的特定单元格。 例如,单元格C5中的自定义数据验证公式可以控制“每日费率”的更改。

With the following formula in the data validation dialog box, users can enter a value in cell C5 only if the password typed in C3 is an exact match for the secret password in the pwd cell. Also, the value typed in C5 must be higher than zero, and lower than 0.1.

使用数据验证对话框中的以下公式,只有在C3中键入的密码与pwd单元中的秘密密码完全匹配时,用户才能在单元格C5中输入值。 同样,在C5中键入的值必须大于零且小于0.1。


= AND(EXACT(C3,pwd),C5> 0,C5 <0.1)

示例3:强制输入大写字母 (Example 3: Force Upper Case Entries)

You could also use the EXACT function in data validation to ensure that all upper case letters are typed in a cell. For example, a Canadian postal code is a set format, with alternating numbers, and upper case letters, e.g., L9L 9L9.

您还可以在数据验证中使用EXACT函数,以确保在单元格中键入所有大写字母。 例如,加拿大邮政编码是一种设置格式,具有交替的数字和大写字母,例如L9L 9L9。

In cell C2, data validation has been applied, with the formula:




If any lower case letters are entered, an error alert will appear. This won't prevent all errors in the postal code, but will ensure that upper case letters are used.

如果输入任何小写字母,将出现错误警报。 这不会阻止邮政编码中的所有错误,但会确保使用大写字母。

示例4:在列表中查找完全匹配 (Example 4: Find an Exact Match in a List)

Instead of simply comparing one cell to another, you might need to look for an exact match in a list of values. If someone types a product code in a cell, is that exact code in your product list?

您可能需要在值列表中查找完全匹配,而不是简单地将一个单元格与另一个单元格进行比较。 如果有人在单元格中输入产品代码,那么该产品代码是否在您的产品列表中?

In this example, there is a product code list in cells B2:B5, and a customer can order a product, by typing its code in cell E2.


The formula in cell F2 uses the EXACT function to check the code typed in cell E2, and see if there's an exact match in the list of product codes.


NOTE: The formula is array entered, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter {=OR(EXACT($B$2:$B$5,E2))}

注意 :公式是数组输入,通过按Ctrl + Shift + Enter {= OR(EXACT($ B $ 2:$ B $ 5,E2))}

示例5:为列表中的完全匹配提取名称 (Example 5: Pull a Name for an Exact Match in a List)

In a lookup table, the EXACT function can distinguish between AA1 and Aa1, and help return the correct product name for each code. Other functions, like VLOOKUP, would treat those codes as identical, and return the product name for the first code it encounters in the table.

在查找表中,EXACT函数可以区分AA1和Aa1,并帮助为每个代码返回正确的产品名称。 其他功能,例如VLOOKUP,会将这些代码视为相同,并返回其在表中遇到的第一个代码的产品名称。

In this example, there is a product code list in cells B2:B5, and a customer can order a product, by typing its code in cell D2.


The formula in cell E2 uses 3 functions – INDEX, MATCH and EXACT:


  • The EXACT function checks the code typed in cell D2, and see if there's an exact match in the list of product codes.EXACT函数检查在单元格D2中键入的代码,并查看产品代码列表中是否有完全匹配的代码。
  • The MATCH function returns the table row number of the TRUE result, and bG8943TO is found in the 2nd row of the range.MATCH函数返回TRUE结果的表行号,并且bG8943TO在范围的第二行。
  • The INDEX function returns the value in the 2nd row of the range A2:A5 – Sam.

    INDEX函数返回范围A2:A5 – Sam的第二行中的值。

NOTE: The formula is array entered, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter {=INDEX($A$2:$A$5,MATCH(TRUE,EXACT($B$2:$B$5,D2),0))}

注意 :通过按Ctrl + Shift + Enter {= INDEX($ A $ 2:$ A $ 5,MATCH(TRUE,EXACT($ B $ 2:$ B $ 5,D2),0))},可以输入公式为数组

示例6:计算列表中的完全匹配项 (Example 6: Count the Exact Matches in a List)

In a lookup table, the EXACT function can distinguish between AA1 and Aa1, and help return the correct count for each code. Other functions, like COUNTIF, would treat those codes as identical, and return the count for all variations of the code.

在查找表中,EXACT函数可以区分AA1和Aa1,并帮助返回每个代码的正确计数。 其他函数(例如COUNTIF)会将这些代码视为相同,并返回代码所有变体的计数。

In this example, there is a Item list in cells A2:A11, and a list of unique items in column C.


The formula in column D uses 2 functions – SUMPRODUCT and EXACT:


  • The EXACT function checks the item typed in column C, and see if there's an exact match in the list of items.EXACT函数检查在C列中键入的项目,并查看项目列表中是否有完全匹配的项目。
  • The SUMPRODUCT function returns the total count, based on the number of TRUE results.



= SUMPRODUCT(–EXACT($ A $ 2:$ A $ 11,C2))

Note: The two minus signs (double unary) in front of the EXACT function convert the TRUE and FALSE values to 1 and 0 values.


示例7:检查单元格中的每个字符 (Example 7: Check Each Character in a Cell)

The EXACT function can tell you if two text strings match exactly, but you might want a quick way to see which characters are not identical. In this example, each string has 6 characters, and the numbers 1 to 6 are entered as column headings.

EXACT函数可以告诉您两个文本字符串是否完全匹配,但是您可能需要一种快速的方法来查看哪些字符不相同。 在此示例中,每个字符串有6个字符,数字1到6作为列标题输入。

The formula in cell E2 uses 3 functions – MID and EXACT:


  • The MID function returns a specific character from column A or column B, based on the number in the formula's column heading. For example, in the formula shown above, for C2, the first character in each string is tested, because the number in cell C1 is 1.MID函数根据公式的列标题中的数字从A列或B列返回特定字符。 例如,在上面显示的公式中,对于C2,将测试每个字符串中的第一个字符,因为单元格C1中的数字为1。
  • The EXACT function compares the two characters extracted by the MID functions.EXACT函数比较MID函数提取的两个字符。


= EXACT(MID($ A2,C $ 1,1),MID($ B2,C $ 1,1))

下载EXACT功能文件 (Download the EXACT Function File)

To see a demonstration of today's examples, you can download the EXACT function sample workbook. The file is zipped, and is in Excel 2007 file format.

要查看今天的示例的演示,可以下载EXACT函数示例工作簿 。 该文件已压缩,并且为Excel 2007文件格式。

Try to use each function in your own workbooks. Then, for extra brain-sticking power, teach a friend or co-worker how to use each function. When you explain it to someone else, you'll remember it better.

尝试在自己的工作簿中使用每个功能。 然后,为了获得额外的粘脑功能,请教朋友或同事如何使用每个功能。 当您向他人解释时,您会更好地记住它。

观看确切的视频 (Watch the EXACT Video)

To see the examples in the EXACT function sample workbook, watch this Excel video tutorial.



翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/01/02/30-excel-functions-in-30-days-01-exact/




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