
Last week, we used the Excel SUBTOTAL function to sum items in a filtered list, while ignoring the hidden rows. Now we'll look at ways to use Subtotal and SumProduct with filter settings applied.

上周,我们使用Excel SUBTOTAL函数对过滤列表中的项目求和 ,而忽略了隐藏的行。 现在,我们将研究在应用过滤器设置的情况下使用小计和SumProduct的方法。

小计功能 (Subtotal Function)

Here's a screen shot of the SUBTOTAL function options, that we used last time.


In the comments for that blog post, Sam mentioned that you can also use SUBTOTAL with functions like SUMPRODUCT, to do additional sums or counts, based on the visible data in a filtered table.

在该博客文章的评论中, Sam提到您还可以将SUBTOTAL与SUMPRODUCT之类的功能结合使用,根据过滤后的表格中的可见数据进行附加的总和或计数。

Sam sent me his sample Excel file, to show how he uses this technique.


创建命名范围 (Create Named Ranges)

Sam's workbook has a list with Product, Region and Amount fields. He created dynamic named ranges for the entries in each field, using INDEX and COUNTA.

Sam的工作簿包含一个包含“产品”,“地区”和“金额”字段的列表。 他使用INDEX和COUNTA为每个字段中的条目创建了动态命名范围 。

Note: If you're using Excel 2010 or Excel 2007, and a named table, you can use table references to create the names.

注意:如果使用的是Excel 2010或Excel 2007和命名表,则可以使用表引用来创建名称。


With the a simple SUMPRODUCT function, you could sum the amounts for all the North region rows. This works well if the list is not filtered.

使用简单的SUMPRODUCT函数,您可以将所有北部区域行的金额相加。 如果未过滤列表,则效果很好。


= SUMPRODUCT((Region = A2)*(Amt))

However, if the list is filtered, the total for North region still calculates as 545, even though only one amount, 55, is visible.



To solve the problem, Sam created another named range, vAmt, that is based on the Amt range.



= SUBTOTAL(109,OFFSET(Amt,ROW(Amt)-ROW('1'!$ C $ 6),, 1,1))

The named range uses the SUBTOTAL function to return an array of the values, with zero showing if the row is hidden.


When the vAmt range is used in a SUMPRODUCT formula, it shows the total for only the visible rows.


In the screen shot below, the South region is selected, and the two visible amounts for that region are totaled correctly in cell C2


查看公式详细信息 (See the Formula Details)

If you select the vAmt in the formula, and press the F9 key, you can see the effect of the SUBTOTAL function. All the amounts show as zero, except for the three visible amounts -- 22, 36 and 19.

如果在公式中选择vAmt,然后按F9键,则可以看到SUBTOTAL函数的作用。 除三个可见的数量-22、36和19外,所有金额均显示为零。

下载样本文件 (Download the Sample File)

To see Sam's workbook and formulas, download the SUMPRODUCT SUBTOTAL sample file.

要查看Sam的工作簿和公式,请下载SUMPRODUCT SUBTOTAL示例文件

The file is zipped, and it is in Excel 2003 file format. ___________________

该文件已压缩,并且为Excel 2003文件格式。 ___________________

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/03/18/excel-function-friday-subtotal-and-sumproduct-with-filter/




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