Why dig around for your phone or remote control when you could just control your TV from your wrist? Here’s how to set up your Apple Watch as a remote for your Apple TV.

当您只需要从手腕上控制电视时,为什么还要翻开手机或遥控器? 以下是将Apple Watch设置为Apple TV遥控器的方法。

To add an Apple TV to your Apple Watch, first open the built-in Remote app on your Watch and then note the code that it gives you.

要将Apple TV添加到Apple Watch,请先在Watch上打开内置的Remote应用,然后记下它提供的代码。

Once you get your code, it’s time to head over to your Apple TV to pair your Watch with it. Open the Settings on your Apple TV.
收到代码后,就该转到Apple TV将Watch与它配对了。 在Apple TV上打开设置。

From the settings menu, select “Remotes and Devices”.


From this menu, you will have the option to add a “Remote App” under the “Other Devices” category.


Once you select “Remote App”, you should see your Apple Watch appear. Go Ahead and select it.

选择“远程应用”后,您应该会看到Apple Watch出现。 前进并选择它。

Now, enter the code displayed on the Apple Watch’s Remote app into the resulting screen.

现在,在显示的屏幕中输入Apple Watch的“远程”应用程序上显示的代码。

Entering the code is as annoying as ever with the Siri remote. If you make a mistake, you have to go to the end of the row of numbers to delete it.
使用Siri遥控器输入代码像以往一样烦人。 如果输入有误,则必须转到数字行的末尾才能将其删除。

Once you’ve entered the code, your Apple Watch will be paired with your Apple TV. It will appear on main Remote menu. Select your Apple TV, and you’ll now be able to control your Apple TV from your Watch.

输入密码后,Apple Watch将与Apple TV配对。 它会出现在主“远程”菜单上。 选择您的Apple TV,您现在就可以通过手表控制Apple TV了。

The Remote control features on the Watch are pretty straightforward. You should have no problems getting the hang of it.
手表上的遥控器功能非常简单。 毫无疑问,您应该没有问题。

Let’s quickly review what you will find on the Remote app. You can swipe the Watch’s screen just as you would the Siri Remote’s touchpad. This will allow you to navigate the Apple TV’s interface, or any Apple TV app you are using.

让我们快速查看“远程”应用程序中的内容。 您可以像在Siri Remote的触摸板上一样滑动手表的屏幕。 这将允许您浏览Apple TV的界面或您正在使用的任何Apple TV应用。

The Play/Pause item should be fairly self-explanatory, and the “Menu” button will return you to the Apple TV’s or current app’s menu. For example, if you are in the Settings menu as described above, tapping the “Menu” button will take you one screen back.

“播放/暂停”项应该是不言自明的,并且“菜单”按钮将使您返回到Apple TV或当前应用程序的菜单。 例如,如果您处于如上所述的“设置”菜单中,则点击“菜单”按钮将使您返回一个屏幕。

In the upper left-hand corner the Remote app, there are three blue lines, which you can tap to return to the main screen.


Unfortunately, the Apple Watch is still not as convenient as using your iPhone or iPad. Thankfully, you can use the Apple Remote iOS app to control 4th generation Apple TVs now, just as you could with previous generations (this wasn’t the case when the new Apple TV was initially released).

不幸的是,Apple Watch仍然不如使用iPhone或iPad方便。 值得庆幸的是,您现在可以使用Apple Remote iOS应用程序来控制第四代Apple TV,就像以前的几代一样 (新Apple TV最初发行时情况并非如此)。

Nevertheless, using your Watch as a remote is still pretty neat if you can’t find your main Apple TV remote (or if it’s all the way on the other side of the room and you don’t want to get up). Plus, it’s a neat party trick to impress your friends.

不过,如果找不到主Apple TV遥控器(或者一直在房间的另一侧并且不想起床),将Watch用作遥控器仍然很不错。 另外,这是打动您朋友的整洁聚会技巧。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/237669/how-to-use-your-apple-watch-to-control-your-apple-tv/

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