
  • Word Preparation
    • common: 常见的
    • cuisine:菜系
    • steamed bun:包子
    • spring roll:春卷
    • dim sum:点心
  • Grammar
    • I heard that ...

Word Preparation

common: 常见的

something you see, use, or hear very often

The apple is a very common fruit.

Fever is a common illness during summer.


food from a certain region or area

I prefer Indian cuisine rather than western because it’s spicier.

Thai cuisine is food from Thailand.

steamed bun:包子

Try this steamed bun. It’s really nice.

This steamed bun is filled with vegetables and meat.

spring roll:春卷

I think the spring rolls we had this morning were too salty.

Sprint rolls are usually eaten as a staple food in the northern part of China.

dim sum:点心

I know this fantastic dim sum restaurant down the road.

Would you care for some dim sum for lunch?


I heard that …

I heard that … 从语法上将是 that引导的宾语从句(object clause),表示 “我听说…”。that在口语中常常可以省略。还有一些常见的其他的动词,例如 I understand that …,I know that …。


  • I heard that it’s getting harder for college students to get a good job after graduation.
  • I understand that you have done your best for the exam.
  • I know that you don’t want to accept that offer.

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