
机器学习-什么是机器学习? (Machine Learning - What is Machine Learning?)

Consider the following figure that shows a plot of house prices versus its size in sq. ft.


After plotting various data points on the XY plot, we draw a best-fit line to do our predictions for any other house given its size. You will feed the known data to the machine and ask it to find the best fit line. Once the best fit line is found by the machine, you will test its suitability by feeding in a known house size, i.e. the Y-value in the above curve. The machine will now return the estimated X-value, i.e. the expected price of the house. The diagram can be extrapolated to find out the price of a house which is 3000 sq. ft. or even larger. This is called regression in statistics. Particularly, this kind of regression is called linear regression as the relationship between X & Y data points is linear.

在XY绘图上绘制各种数据点之后,我们绘制一条最适合的线来对给定尺寸的其他房屋进行预测。 您将已知数据输入机器,并要求其找到最合适的线。 一旦机器找到最合适的线,您将通过输入已知的房屋大小(即上述曲线中的Y值)来测试其适用性。 机器现在将返回估计的X值,即房屋的预期价格。 可以对该图进行推断,以找出3000平方英尺甚至更大的房屋价格。 这称为统计回归。 特别是,由于X和Y数据点之间的关系是线性的,因此这种回归称为线性回归。

In many cases, the relationship between the X & Y data points may not be a straight line, and it may be a curve with a complex equation. Your task would be now to find out the best fitting curve which can be extrapolated to predict the future values. One such application plot is shown in the figure below.

在许多情况下,X和Y数据点之间的关系可能不是直线,而可能是具有复杂方程式的曲线。 您现在的任务是找出最佳拟合曲线,可以将其外推以预测未来值。 下图显示了一个这样的应用程序图。





You will use the statistical optimization techniques to find out the equation for the best fit curve here. And this is what exactly Machine Learning is about. You use known optimization techniques to find the best solution to your problem.

您将在此处使用统计优化技术来找到最佳拟合曲线的方程式。 这正是机器学习的目的。 您使用已知的优化技术来找到问题的最佳解决方案。

Next, let us look at the different categories of Machine Learning.


翻译自: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/machine_learning/what_is_machine_learning.htm



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