机器学习 训练验证测试

In my previous article, we have discussed about the need to train and test our model and we wrote a code to split the given data into training and test sets.


Before moving to the validation portion, we need to see what is the need to use validation procedure before performing the testing procedure in the given data set. At times when we are dealing with a huge amount of data there is a certain chance that maybe the data used by our model during learning produced a biased result and in this case as we use the test set to check the accuracy of our model the following 2 cases can arise:

在转到验证部分之前,我们需要了解在给定数据集中执行测试过程之前,需要使用验证过程进行哪些操作。 有时,当我们处理大量数据时,很有可能我们的模型在学习过程中使用的数据会产生有偏差的结果,在这种情况下,由于我们使用测试集来检查模型的准确性,因此以下可能出现2种情况:

  1. Under fitting of the test data


  2. Over fitting of the test data


Image source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/machine-learning/latest/dg/images/mlconcepts_image5.png

图片来源: https : //docs.aws.amazon.com/machine-learning/latest/dg/images/mlconcepts_image5.png

So then how do we deal with such a problem? Well, the answer is pretty simple if we can somehow use a 3rd data set to validate the results obtained from the training set so that we can adjust the various hyperparameters like learning rate and batch values to get a balanced result on the validation set which will, in turn, increase the accuracy of our model in estimating the target values from the test set.

那么,我们该如何处理这个问题呢? 那么,答案很简单,如果我们能够以某种方式使用三档数据集来验证训练组所取得的成果,使我们可以调整各种超参数就像学率和批量值来得到验证集一个平衡的结果,其反过来,将提高我们的模型从测试集中估算目标值的准确性。

Image source: https://rpubs.com/charlydethibault/348566

图片来源: https : //rpubs.com/charlydethibault/348566

Here, you can see that the validation set is nothing but a subset of the training data set that we create. Here do remember that when we create a partition from a dataset. The data present in the datasets are shuffled randomly to remove biased results.

在这里,您可以看到验证集不过是我们创建的训练数据集的子集。 这里要记住,当我们根据数据集创建分区时。 数据集中存在的数据会随机洗牌以消除有偏见的结果。

So, let us write a simple code to create a validation data set in python:


File: headbrain.CSV

文件: headbrain.CSV

Here is the code:


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Aug  1 22:18:11 2018
@author: Raunak Goswami
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#reading the data
"""here the directory of my code and the headbrain.csv
file is same make sure both the files are stored in the same folder
or directory"""
#this will show the first five records of the whole data
#this will create a variable x which has the feature values i.e brain weight
#this will create a variable y which has the target value i.e brain weight
#splitting the data into training and test
the following statement written below will split x and y into 2 parts:
1.training variables named x_train and y_train
2.test variables named x_test and y_test
The splitting will be done in the ratio of 1:4 as we have mentioned
the test_size as 1/4 of the total size
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
#Here we again split the training data further
##into training and validating sets.
#observe that the size of the validating set is
#1/4 of the training set and not of the whole dataset
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

After running this python code on your Spyder tool provided by the Anaconda distribution just cross check your variable explorer:


On the image above you can see that we have split the train variables into training variables and validate variables.


So, guys that is it for today hope you liked this article. Have a great day ahead.

所以,今天的家伙们希望您喜欢这篇文章。 祝您有美好的一天。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/ml-ai/validation-before-testing.aspx

机器学习 训练验证测试

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