TTYL:稍后再与您交谈 (TTYL: Talk To You Later)

TTYL is an abbreviation of Talk To You Later. It is an internet slang that is most generally used in text messaging, instant messaging, and chatting on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. The acronym is very trendy among youngsters while chatting on social media networking sites. During online chatting with someone or any discussion in a conversation over the internet, this is just one more extra way to say "bye for now".

TTYL是稍后与您交谈的缩写 。 它是一种互联网语,最常用于文本消息传递,即时消息传递以及在Facebook,Twitter,WhatsApp等上的聊天。在社交媒体网站上聊天时,年轻人的首字母缩写非常流行。 在与某人在线聊天或通过Internet进行的任何讨论中,这只是“再见”的另一种方式。

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TTYL用法 (TTYL Usage)

TTYL is also a casually used word like all other internet slangs, subsequently, it should not be used in any kind of business dealing and in any formal conversation. It is used in personal chatting online, text messaging and sometimes on emails with a friend. Generally, it is used at whatever time any person wants to end a chat, conversation or discussion to catch up later.

TTYL也是所有其他互联网internet语一样随便使用的单词,因此,不应将其用于任何类型的业务交易和任何正式对话中。 它用于在线个人聊天,短信和有时用于与朋友的电子邮件中。 通常,它在任何人希望结束聊天,对话或讨论以备不时之需的任何时间使用。

For example,


Conversation of two friends on WhatsApp,


    Friend 1: Hi bro... How is everything going?  Friend 2: Everything is going fine. What about you?  Friend 1: I am also doing great.  .  .  Chat continued… .  .  After sometime,   Friend 1: OK bro, I have to go TTYL.

TTYL的其他意思 (Other meanings of TTYL)

  • Talk to You Louder


  • Type To You Later (chat)


  • Time to Yell Loud


  • Take That You Loser


  • Text to You Late


优点 (Advantages)

  • The undertaking of formal speech in any conversation or writing on any social media texting gets lesser.


  • The recognition of these internet slang words are well versed to the users so that it reduces the keystrokes.


  • The traditional synonym gets replaced by these slang words.


  • These internet slangs generate narrative meanings for the words which subsist.


  • These internet slangs uses the least number of characters required to put into words a message.

    这些Internet lang语使用最少的字符数来编写消息。

  • The use of proper punctuations, grammar, and capitalizations, etc can be avoided when using these internet slang words.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

Most of the disadvantages occur at those places where formal conversation followed such as in corporations, organizations, etc.


  • A large problem that occurs with instant messaging in the corporations or organizations is that they can simply lead to miscommunications.


  • These days, in case of texting and messaging the temptation to spend extra time with friends and colleagues, gets out of hand, when it interferes with common everyday routines.




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