os: ubuntu 16.04
postgresql: 9.6.8

ip 规划 node2 postgresql

help create index

postgres=# \h create index
Command:     CREATE INDEX
Description: define a new index
CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX [ CONCURRENTLY ] [ [ IF NOT EXISTS ] name ] ON table_name [ USING method ]( { column_name | ( expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ opclass ] [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] )[ WITH ( storage_parameter = value [, ... ] ) ][ TABLESPACE tablespace_name ][ WHERE predicate ]

[ USING method ]
要使用的索引方法的名称。可以选择 btree、hash、 gist、spgist、 gin以及brin。 默认方法是btree。


gin 意思是通用倒排索引。
gin 被设计为处理被索引项为组合值的情况,并且这种索引所处理的查询需要搜索出现在组合项中的元素值。例如,项可以是文档,并且查询可以是搜索包含指定词的文档。

我们使用词项来表示要被索引的一个组合值,并且用词键来表示一个元素值。gin 总是存储和搜索键,而不是项值本身。

gin 索引是"倒排索引",它适合于包含多个组成值的数据值,例如数组。


简单的说就是 gin 索引接口常被用于多值列的检索,例如全文检索类型、数组类型。

postgres=# drop table tmp_t0;
postgres=# create table tmp_t0(c0 tsvector,c1 varchar(100));
CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into tmp_t0(c0,c1) select to_tsvector((select string_agg(p0,' ') from regexp_split_to_table(md5(id::varchar),'') as p0)),md5((id)::varchar) from generate_series(1,100000) as id;
INSERT 0 100000postgres=# \x
Expanded display is on.
postgres=# select * from tmp_t0 limit 2;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c0 | '0':10,17,22 '2':6,13,16 '3':7,14 '4':2,5,30 '5':21,28 '6':25 '7':27 '8':8,15,29 '9':12,23,31 'b':11,32 'c':1,3,19,20 'd':18 'f':26
c1 | c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b
-[ RECORD 2 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c0 | '0':19 '1':3,27 '2':6,13,31 '3':16 '4':11,28 '6':15,17,20,30 '7':5,21 '8':2,7,23,29 '9':9,24 'c':1,12,25,26,32 'd':8,10 'e':4 'f':14,18,22
c1 | c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c
postgres=# \x
Expanded display is off.postgres=# create index idx_tmp_t0_1 on tmp_t0 using gin (c0);postgres=# \d+ tmp_t0Table "public.tmp_t0"Column |          Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
--------+------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+-------------c0     | tsvector               |           | extended |              | c1     | character varying(100) |           | extended |              |
Indexes:"idx_tmp_t0_1" gin (c0)

gin 索引与这两个参数有关

postgres=# \x
postgres=# select * from pg_settings where name like '%gin%';
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
name            | gin_fuzzy_search_limit
setting         | 0
unit            |
category        | Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults
short_desc      | Sets the maximum allowed result for exact search by GIN.
extra_desc      |
context         | user
vartype         | integer
source          | default
min_val         | 0
max_val         | 2147483647
enumvals        |
boot_val        | 0
reset_val       | 0
sourcefile      |
sourceline      |
pending_restart | f
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
name            | gin_pending_list_limit
setting         | 4096
unit            | kB
category        | Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior
short_desc      | Sets the maximum size of the pending list for GIN index.
extra_desc      |
context         | user
vartype         | integer
source          | default
min_val         | 64
max_val         | 2147483647
enumvals        |
boot_val        | 4096
reset_val       | 4096
sourcefile      |
sourceline      |
pending_restart | f

postgresql 中的 gin 实现主要由 Teodor Sigaev 和 Oleg Bartunov 维护。在他们的网站(http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/wiki/Gin)上有更多关于 gin 的信息。

在 postgresql 10 中,gin 在多并发的压力下性能有了很高的提升。





Indexes in PostgreSQL — 1 https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/3994098
Indexes in PostgreSQL — 2 https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/4161264
Indexes in PostgreSQL — 3 (Hash) https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/4161321
Indexes in PostgreSQL — 4 (Btree) https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/4161516
Indexes in PostgreSQL — 5 (GiST) https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/4175817
Indexes in PostgreSQL — 6 (SP-GiST) https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/4220639
Indexes in PostgreSQL — 7 (GIN) https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/4261647
Indexes in PostgreSQL — 8 (RUM) https://postgrespro.com/blog/pgsql/4262305

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