



create table t(id int);
create index idx_t on t using btree(id);
insert into t select random()*1000000 from generate_series(1,1000000);
\di+ idx_t;
[23:03:37]postgres@postgres=>create table t(id int);
[23:03:38]CREATE TABLE
[23:04:02]postgres@postgres=>create index idx_t on t using btree(id);
[23:04:02]CREATE INDEX
[23:04:45]postgres@postgres=>insert into t select random()*1000000 from generate_series(1,1000000);
[23:04:55]INSERT 0 1000000
[23:05:10]postgres@postgres=>\di+ idx_t;
[23:05:10]                        List of relations
[23:05:10] Schema | Name  | Type  |  Owner   | Table | Size  | Description
[23:05:10] public | idx_t | index | postgres | t     | 28 MB |
[23:05:10](1 row)


truncate table t;
insert into select generate_series(1,1000000);
\di+ idx_t;
[23:05:21]postgres@postgres=>truncate table t;
[23:05:47]postgres@postgres=>insert into t select generate_series(1,1000000);
[23:05:50]INSERT 0 1000000
[23:05:59]postgres@postgres=>\di+ idx_t;
[23:05:59]                        List of relations
[23:05:59] Schema | Name  | Type  |  Owner   | Table | Size  | Description
[23:05:59] public | idx_t | index | postgres | t     | 21 MB |
[23:05:59](1 row)


drop index idx_t;
create index idx_t on t using btree(id);
\di+ idx_t;
[23:06:13]postgres@postgres=>drop index idx_t;
[23:06:13]DROP INDEX
[23:06:35]postgres@postgres=>create index idx_t on t using btree(id);
[23:06:36]CREATE INDEX
[23:06:45]postgres@postgres=>\di+ idx_t;
[23:06:45]                        List of relations
[23:06:45] Schema | Name  | Type  |  Owner   | Table | Size  | Description
[23:06:45] public | idx_t | index | postgres | t     | 21 MB |
[23:06:45](1 row)



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