Sometimes when you download multi-gig ISOs and have trouble installing, you look for little features that "make it all worthwhile." Little usabilty stuff, you know.

有时,当您下载多千兆位ISO并在安装时遇到问题时,您会寻找一些“值得拥有的”小功能。 你知道一些小事。

Everyone's raving about the Ribbon interface, and the Outlook "To-Do Bar" but my choice for the best new feature in Office, and Outlook in particular?


Check out the "Include" section of the Outlook New Message Ribbon...this makes it all worthwhile. It's bloodly brilliant, and it's about time. Click "Business Card" and you can add your VCard in one click. Click Signature and you can add any of your email sigs in replies or mesages where it was removed.

签出Outlook New Message功能区的“包含”部分...这一切都值得。 这是血腥的辉煌,现在是时候了。 单击“名片”,然后单击即可添加您的VCard。 单击签名,您可以在已删除邮件的答复或消息中添加任何电子邮件信号。

And the very best option? Include Calendar - a flexible little item that lets you include not only an ICS attachment with your free time, but also an HTML rendered schedule with your Availability and/or Details.

最好的选择是什么? 包括日历-一个灵活的小项目,它不仅使您可以在空闲时间中包括ICS附件,还可以在其可用性和/或详细信息中包括HTML呈现的时间表。

Sure, we all wish there was a cross-platform universal Free/Busy service, but until Google does it ;) we have this very clean, elegant and simple solution to one of life's daily irritations. Fabulous.

当然,我们都希望有一个跨平台的通用忙/闲服务,但是直到Google做到这一点为止;)我们拥有一种非常干净,优雅和简单的解决方案,可以解决生活中的日常烦恼。 极好。


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