
Remembering to update a single calendar is tough enough for me, but many people use multiple calendars to keep track of teams or events. But what if you want to view all the items merged together into one calendar, similar to the way Google Calendar does?

对我而言,记住更新单个日历已经足够困难了,但是许多人使用多个日历来跟踪团队或事件。 但是,如果您要查看合并到一个日历中的所有项目,就像Google日历那样,该怎么办?

The dual-calendar view feature was first introduced in Outlook 2003, but has taken a bunch of steps forward in Outlook 2007 to the point where it’s really useful because of the overlay feature.

双日历视图功能最初是在Outlook 2003中引入的,但是在Outlook 2007中又向前迈了一大步,以至于由于具有重叠功能,它真的很有用。

First you’ll need to change to the Calendar view, and then select more than one calendar in the list.


Now if you hover your mouse over the little arrow icon next to the second calendar you’ll notice it says “View in Overlay Mode”. Of course you should just click the icon at this point.

现在,如果将鼠标悬停在第二个日历旁边的小箭头图标上,您会注意到它显示“以覆盖模式查看”。 当然,您此时应单击该图标。

Now your calendars will be overlayed over top of each other, with the current calendar’s items visually highlighted. Clicking the icon again would put the calendars side by side again.

现在,您的日历将彼此重叠,并且当前日历的项目将以视觉方式突出显示。 再次单击该图标将使日历再次并排放置。

Switching back and forth between the tabs will visually highlight the items for that calendar. Additionally, you can interact with the grayed items from the other calendars while still in the “merged” view.

在选项卡之间来回切换将在视觉上突出显示该日历的项目。 此外,您仍可以在“合并”视图中与其他日历中的灰色项目进行交互。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/overlay-calendars-in-outlook-2007-like-google-calendar-does/


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