If you are looking for an easy way to share your Outlook 2007 calendars with others, one solution is to publish your calendar to Microsoft Office Online service.

如果您正在寻找一种与他人共享Outlook 2007日历的简便方法,则一种解决方案是将日历发布到Microsoft Office Online服务。

Share Calendar Online


Open up the calendar in Outlook and Right-click the calendar you want to share then Publish to Internet and Publish to Office Online.

在Outlook中打开日历,然后右键单击要共享的日历,然后单击“发布到Internet”和“发布到Office Online”。

Next you are shown the Office Online Registration overview for an account if you don’t already have one.

接下来,将显示一个帐户的Office Online注册概述(如果您尚未注册)。

Sign in using your Microsoft Live ID.

使用您的Microsoft Live ID登录。

Accept the terms and conditions of using Office Online.

接受使用Office Online的条款和条件。

Choose a user name and finish up the registration.


Now you will get the Publish Calendar to Microsoft Office Online window where you can set up permissions and other settings.

现在,您将获得“将日历发布到Microsoft Office Online”窗口,您可以在其中设置权限和其他设置。

After the calendar is published you can send out invites to let people know the calendar is up.


It opens up a new email message with the information for the shared calendar and you can add contacts.


Subscribing to Shared Calendar


Once the contact receives the invite just click on the Subscribe or Preview button under the Share tab.


Click on Yes to verify you want to subscribe to the calendar and its updates.


Click on the advanced button above for advanced configuration options.


If the recipient wants to preview the calendar they are sent to the online calendar.


If you live in Outlook during the business day this is a great way to make sure everyone is on the same page.  This is also a good way to share events with family and friends.

如果您在工作日使用Outlook,这是确保每个人都在同一页面上的一种好方法。 这也是与家人和朋友分享活动的好方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/1971/share-outlook-2007-calendars-through-microsoft-office-online-service/

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