Nowadays,foods has become easier to prepare.

Hasthis change improved the way people live?

Usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.

With[傅晓东1]  thedevelopment of new technologies, food has become easier to prepare than everbefore.In my opinion[傅晓东2] , it bringsboth positive and negative influences on people’s lives.

In the firstplace,[傅晓东3]  food that iseasier to prepare has an obvious advantage for new generations,who[傅晓东4] are leadingtheir lives in a more rapid pace. Fast-food restaurantslike[傅晓东5] McDonald’sexactly cater to our needs for a faster life.When[傅晓东6] I feel reallyhungry, traditional cooking is just too slowly. However, fast food caninstantly improve my situation.As[傅晓东7]  we save largequantity of time previously used to prepare food, we can spend our timeperforming more important tasks, and therefore focus better on our work.

However[傅晓东8] ,easier-to-prepare food also brings about some disadvantages to our lives.

Firstly,[傅晓东9]  as we spendmore time on focusing on work instead of food,

Wetend to feel more and more stressed out due to the busy cycle. Ouralready-too-fast life pace gets even speedier, which can bring negativepsychological problems in workers.On the contrary[傅晓东10]  ,traditionalcooking style enables us to see the relaxing side of life, to stop and smellthe roses.Also,[傅晓东11]  cookingitself is a relaxing process to relieve pressure from workplaces.My mother[傅晓东12]  loves tocook when she’s very tired after work,from which[傅晓东13]  she canretrace the relaxation she needs.

Secondly,as food becomes easier to prepare, we gradually lose theright[傅晓东14] to enjoytop-class cooking.because[傅晓东15] it does notcater to people’s needs for speed as well as fast food does, andthus[傅晓东16]  graduallydecreases on the market. Many young people[傅晓东17]  nowadayscraze for Pizza Hut, but they have no idea how traditional home-made pizzastaste differently and wonderfully.

Anotherdrawback[傅晓东18] ofeasy-to-prepare food is that in order to prepare food more easily,manufacturers add certain chemicals to the food which are not completelyhealthy for us. Forinstance,[傅晓东19]  McDonald’scontains too much calories and too little vegetation, which will causeunbalance in people’s nutrition.

Tosum up,[傅晓东20]  food hasbecome easier to prepare during the past

decadeor so. The changes has brought both positive and negative influences on people’slives.










[傅晓东10]对比说明traditional cooking 好来说明这个不好


[傅晓东12]Example speaks louder









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