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  1. 背景描述(放大问题)
  2. 话题引入
  3. 表明观点


  • Some peop;e think to watch a movie in a cinema is better, while others think at home is better. Which do you prefer?
  • 【背景描述】Watching movies could be an effective way to escape from daily burdens temporarily and enjoy a moment of leisure and fun. Thus, this means of recreation is popular among the masses. 【话题引入】Some viewers prefer to see a movie in the cinema. Others insist that it is a better choice to see a movie at home. 【表明观点】As far as i am concerned, it could be more advantageous to go to the cinema.


  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People would be happier with fewer possessions.
  • 【背景描述】When asked about the sources of happiness, different people may express different opinions. Understandably, a person’s attitude is closely related to his values and views of the world.【话题引入】As for those who attach great importance to wealth, the more possessions they take hold of, the happier they would become. On the contrary, as for those who cherish simple styles of living, they would feel happier with fewer possessions. 【表明观点】Frankly speaking, I am in favor of that latter.


  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take history courses no matter in what field they study.
  • 【背景描述】Being the cradle of knowledge, universities play an extremely important role in society. The overall knowledge and awareness level of citizens depends considerably on the quality of the teachers in the institutions of higher learning. 【话题引入】With the aim of taking education to a brand new level, some people argue that college students should be required to take history classes no matter in what field they study. 【表明观点】In my opinion, this idea is truly worthy of consideration.


【背景描述】The issue of xxx(用简单短语描述的背景) is an emotional one,
【话题引入】with many people taking the attitude that xxxxxx(一些人认为). Others believe that xxxxxx(另外一些人认为).
【表明观点】From my own perspective, xxxxxx(我的观点)


【背景描述】The issue of xxx(背景)is a hot-debated one,
【话题引入】with many people taking the attitude that xxxxxx(我不支持的观点)
【表明观点】However, I believe that xxxxxx(我支持的观点)


  1. 衔接词
  2. 重申观点
  3. 总结分论点


  • 【衔接词】To conclude, 【重申观点】I believe that a new movie theater is a fine idea. 【总结分论点】 I support it because of the changes it will bring to our citizens and our town. I believe that reduztion in crime, the increase in employment, and the improved infrastructure will make our town a nicer place to live.


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