

1、The popularity of mobile phones has a great effect on people’s daily life

  • have negative/positive effects on
  • have a serious impart on
  • have a direct impart on

2、Universities play a role in training people for the workforce

  • play a critical/key role in sth
  • have an important role to play

3、Every citizen should make an effort to protect our environment

  • spare no effort to do sth:竭尽全力做sth
  • make every effort to do sth = do one’s best to do sth

4、The global trade has improved people’s living standard

  • improve people’s living standard 提升人们的生活水平

5、Higher education must keep pace with the fast-paced development of modern science

  • keep pace with 并驾齐驱,跟上

6、some see family income as the key determinant of access to the top universities

  • A is the/a key determinant of B :A是B的关键决定因素

7、The film could be criticized on the grounds that all of the characters are white,“respectable”,and economically advantaged

  • on the grounds that:基于。。。理由

8、Such disagreements may stem from a variety of causes

  • stem from = arise from = spring from

9、Just because we live in a busy and crowded world does not mean politeness should be dispensed with

  • just because …does not mean :仅仅因为。。并不意味着
  • dispense with :抛弃

10、Only children raised in cities are equipped with the the skills essential to success in the real world

  • armed with = equipped with(拥有)

11、The upside of children’s doing some household chores is that such a demand makes them appreciate more fully the value of hard work

  • the upside of …is that…+句子:。。的优点是。。

12、Addiction to technologies poses a major threat to one’s physical and mental health

  • pose a major threat to:给。。造成巨大威胁

13、It is imperative/advisable that standards should be maintained

  • It is imperative/advisable that:必须,应该



  • score,grades
  • academic performace


  • abound


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