

  • 例题
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1、In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less moeny on?

  1. Libraries
  2. Public transportation
  3. Police

2、Which of the following do you think contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation?

  1. good food
  2. good location
  3. good friends to travel with





Many people enjoy traveling, because they can broaden their horizons, taste different kinds of food, and appreciate beautiful scenery. However, traveling means you will be exposed to unfamialiar environments. Thus, it is crucial to choose a suitable companion to go with you because a nice companion can share your happiness, reduce your loneliness and help handle problems. Therefore, compared with good food and good locations, I prefer traveling with good friends.

broaden their horizons:扩宽视野

To begin with, a good friend can make travel more meaningful and enjoyable. You and your friend can plan the trip together and expericence things together such as hiking, picnicking, and enjoying beautiful scenery and tasty food. Such experiences will help you know each other better and enhance your relationship. For this reason, traveling is not only an activity but also a way to make precious memories in your life.

Moreover, a friend would relieve your loneliness when you are traveling. If you travel to somewhere alone, you will not have anyone to talk to. Your can read books or listen to music on an MP3 player, but no one would share your happiness during your journey. If you are accompanied by a friend, he can take your picture at beautiful scenic spots or other interesting tourist attractions. You can share your photos with each other and talk about the interesting things that happen around you. You may also eat together while having a nice conversation at a local restaurant. With a friend, traveling becomes more interesting and meaningful and we are no longer lonely.

scenic spots:旅游景点
tourist attractions:旅游景点

Most important of all, a friend can assist you when you are traveling somewhere. We might meet something unfamiliar when we travel. For instance, we might get lost, and a friend who has a great sense of direction could help us find our way. The company of a frieng can also relieve fear and stress. Problem may come, but at least you can solve your problems together


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