
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Does anyone like autoplaying videos? I know I don’t. Google recently added autoplaying videos to the Play Store on Android. As with Netflix and YouTube, these can now easily be disabled from the app’s Settings menu. Here’s how.

有人喜欢自动播放视频吗? 我知道我不知道 Google最近在Android的Play商店中添加了自动播放视频。 与Netflix和YouTube一样 ,现在可以从应用程序的“设置”菜单轻松禁用这些功能。 这是如何做。

Start by launching the Play Store on your Android device. If you don’t have a shortcut for the store on one of your home screens, you can swipe up to open the app drawer and then tap on the icon.

首先在Android设备上启动Play商店。 如果您在主屏幕之一上没有商店的快捷方式,则可以向上滑动以打开应用程序抽屉,然后点击图标。

Next, select the hamburger icon in the top-left corner to open the overflow menu.


Scroll halfway down the list and then tap on the “Settings” option.


Select the “Auto-Play Videos” listing found under the “General” subheading.


You can now choose between three options: auto-play video at any time, auto-play videos over Wi-Fi only, and don’t auto-play videos. Choose the third option if you don’t want the Google Play Store to automatically play videos any time you open an app or movie listing.

现在,您可以在以下三个选项之间进行选择:随时自动播放视频,仅通过Wi-Fi自动播放视频以及不自动播放视频。 如果您不希望Google Play商店在每次打开应用或电影列表时自动播放视频,请选择第三个选项。

After you make your selection, tap on the “Done” button to save the changes and to be taken back to the Settings menu.




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