mac iphone照片

Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Autoplaying videos and Live Photos can be nice to look at in the Photos app on iPhone, iPad, and the Mac, but they can also be distracting and can drain your battery. Here’s how to disable everything on all of your Apple devices.

在iPhone,iPad和Mac上的“照片”应用程序中可以很好地观看自动播放的视频和“实时照片”,但它们也会分散您的注意力,并可能耗尽电池电量。 这是在所有Apple设备上禁用所有功能的方法。

在iPhone和iPad上禁用自动播放视频和实时照片 (Disable Autoplaying Videos and Live Photos on iPhone and iPad)

On iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 (and higher), Apple automatically plays videos and Live Photos when you’re scrolling through your Photos tab. Thankfully, the media is muted. This becomes especially annoying when you’re browsing through the years or months section in the Photos tab or if you’re looking at old Memories albums.

在iOS 13和iPadOS 13(及更高版本)上,当您滚动“照片”选项卡时,Apple会自动播放视频和实时照片。 幸运的是,媒体已静音。 当您浏览“照片”选项卡中的“年”或“月”部分时,或者正在查看旧的“ Memories”相册时,这尤其烦人。

Disabling this feature is as simple as flipping a switch. Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and go to the “Photos” section.

禁用此功能就像拨动开关一样简单。 打开iPhone或iPad上的“设置”应用,然后转到“照片”部分。

Now, scroll down until you see the “Photos Tab” section. Here tap the toggle next to the “Auto-Play Videos And Live Photos” option to disable the feature.

现在,向下滚动,直到看到“照片选项卡”部分。 在这里,点击“自动播放视频和实时照片”选项旁边的开关以禁用该功能。

When you go back to the Photos tab, you’ll find that your photos will be as you want them—still.


在Mac上禁用自动播放视频和实时照片 (Disable Autoplaying Videos and Live Photos on Mac)

The Photos app on macOS Catalina (and higher) also has the same built-in autoplay feature. If you’re scrolling through your Photos tab, you’ll find previews of videos and Live Photos, and they’ll play automatically as you pass through them.

macOS Catalina(及更高版本)上的“照片”应用程序也具有相同的内置自动播放功能。 如果您滚动浏览“照片”选项卡,则会找到视频和实时照片的预览,并且它们在通过时会自动播放。

Thankfully, there’s a straightforward way to disable this feature on the Mac.


Open the Photos app and click the “Photos” button from the menu bar. Here, choose the “Preferences” option.

打开“照片”应用,然后从菜单栏中单击“照片”按钮。 在这里,选择“首选项”选项。

In the “General” tab, uncheck the box next to the “Autoplay Videos And Live Photos” option to disable the feature.


Wondering what’s the best way to share photos and videos from your iPhone? We’ve got you covered.

想知道从iPhone共享照片和视频的最佳方法是什么? 我们已经覆盖了您。


mac iphone照片

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