
Autocorrect can be a blessing until it isn’t. Once you have an infamous auto-correct fail, then you’re likely to be wary so it doesn’t happen again (though it probably will). Here’s how to take control and even improve autocorrect on Android.

除非不是,否则自动更正可能是一件幸事。 一旦臭名昭著的自动更正失败 ,您就可能会保持警惕,因此不会再发生(尽管可能会发生)。 这是在Android上控制甚至改善自动更正的方法。

We want to concentrate solely on Google Keyboard because it’s typically the default on many Android devices. We’ve covered Google Keyboard in the past, specifically how to turn off its sounds and vibrations and now we want to turn our attention to improving text entry, so it is more effective and useful.

我们只想专注于Google键盘,因为它通常是许多Android设备上的默认键盘 。 过去我们已经介绍了Google键盘, 特别是如何关闭其声音和振动 ,现在我们希望将注意力转移到改善文本输入上,从而使其更加有效和有用。

Obviously, you may use other keyboards such as SwiftKey or Swype, but Google Keyboard is pretty good and best of all, it’s free. In this article, we’ll use screenshots taken with Android 5 Lollipop but because Google Keyboard is version-agnostic, regardless of whether you’re using 5.x or 4.x, everything should work the same.

显然,您可以使用其他键盘, 例如SwiftKey或Swype ,但是Google键盘非常好,而且最好的是,它是免费的。 在本文中,我们将使用通过Android 5 Lollipop拍摄的屏幕截图,但是由于Google键盘与版本无关,因此无论您使用的是5.x还是4.x,所有功能都应相同。

As you often do for these types of procedures, you will want to open the Settings and then tap “Language & input.”


On the proceeding screen, tap “Google Keyboard.”

在继续屏幕上,点击“ Google键盘”。

Next, tap “Text correction.”


Finally, on the text correction screen, we can have a look at our available options. We’ll go over the first two, “personal dictionary” and “add-on dictionaries,” shortly. For now, let’s concentrate on the remaining items.

最后,在文本更正屏幕上,我们可以查看可用的选项。 稍后,我们将介绍前两个,“个人词典”和“附加词典”。 现在,让我们集中讨论其余项目。

The option to “block offensive words” will be of particular interest to grown adults who want to be able to use profanity in their text exchanges. By default, this option is enabled. If you disable it, you’ll probably experience fewer annoyances when you digress to “colorful metaphors.”

对于希望在他们的文字交流中使用亵渎语言的成年成年人来说,“阻止令人反感的单词”的选项将特别有用。 默认情况下,启用此选项。 如果禁用它,则转移到“ 多彩的隐喻 ”时,您可能会遇到较少的烦恼。

The fourth option on this screen is for setting the degree of autocorrection your dictionary will employ. You can choose between modest, aggressive, or very aggressive, or you can turn it off completely. Modest is on by default, and in our experience, that’s enough.

此屏幕上的第四个选项用于设置词典将采用的自动校正程度。 您可以在适度,积极或非常激进之间进行选择,也可以完全将其关闭。 默认情况下,“适度”处于启用状态,根据我们的经验,这就足够了。

“Show correction suggestion” allows you to toggle whether Google Keyboard will supply suggestions when you type.


“Personalized suggestions” is supposed to learn from your typing and word use and improve so it provides more reliable correction suggestions. This can also be toggled on or off.

“个性化建议”应该从您的打字和单词使用中学习并加以改进,以便提供更可靠的更正建议。 也可以将其打开或关闭。

“Suggest contact names” will let Google Keyboard poll your contacts for suggestions, so if you type the first few letters of the name of a friend, it should automatically suggest that contact and contacts similar to it.


Finally, there are “next-word suggestions,” which is akin to predictive typing. Basically, if you’re typing something such as a text or message, Google Keyboard will do its best to figure out what you’re trying to say and make suggestions. Out of all these options, this one seems to be the least useful, but if you repeat certain phrases often, it might be of more value.

最后,还有“下一个字词建议”,类似于预测性打字。 基本上,如果您要输入文字或消息之类的内容,则Google键盘会尽力找出您要说的内容并提出建议。 在所有这些选项中,该选项似乎没有什么用处,但是如果您经常重复某些短语,则可能会更有价值。

All these options are pretty self-explanatory and most of them can be left on (with the exception of the offensive words option, in our opinion) to improve your overall experience with typing on your Android device. Turning off autocorrect might also make your life easier if you find it continually embarrassing you.

所有这些选项都是不言自明的,并且可以保留其中大多数选项(我们认为,“冒犯性词语”选项除外)可以改善您在Android设备上键入内容的整体体验。 如果您发现自动校正功能不断使您感到尴尬,那么关闭自动校正功能也可能使您的生活更轻松。

Let’s move on now and talk about what you can do with dictionaries, especially the personal dictionary, which can really round out and improve your Google Keyboard experience.


辞典 (Dictionaries)

There are two dictionary options in Google Keyboard. You can install add-on dictionaries, which increase your keyboard’s overall breadth. For example, if you want to use British spellings, you can install the English (UK) dictionary, or French, or Italian, or any number of languages, and even English emoji words.

Google键盘有两个字典选项。 您可以安装附加字典,以增加键盘的整体宽度。 例如,如果要使用英式拼写,则可以安装英语(UK)词典,法语,意大利语或任何多种语言,甚至包括英语表情符号单词。

To add a dictionary, click the one you want and tap “install” and it will be added to your phone or tablet.


Of much greater use, however, is the personal dictionary, which lets you basically add whatever words you want to your phone or tablet’s dictionary. This is far more useful than simply adding your garden variety profanity. If you frequently use slang, colloquialisms, or idioms, then adding it all to your personal dictionary just makes things that much easier.

但是,个人词典的使用要大得多,它可以使您基本上在电话或平板电脑的词典中添加所需的任何单词。 这远比仅添加您的花园变种亵渎更为有用。 如果您经常使用语,口语或成语,那么将其全部添加到个人词典中只会使事情变得简单得多。

There are several ways to add words to your dictionary. First, as you’re typing, if you happen across a word that Google Keyboard doesn’t recognize, it will attempt to autocorrect it (if autocorrect is enabled). You can then backspace to revert back to your original [mis]spelling, and then tap to add it.

有几种方法可以将单词添加到词典中。 首先,在输入时,如果您碰巧碰到Google键盘无法识别的单词,它将尝试自动更正(如果启用了自动更正)。 然后,您可以退格以恢复到原始[mis]拼写,然后点击以添加它。

If a word has a red line underneath it, then it means that the dictionary thinks it’s misspelled (it might very well be). If you tap on the word when it is underlined like this, a menu will pop out with replacement suggestions, or you can tap “add to dictionary.”

如果单词下方有一个红线,则表示字典认为它拼写错误(很可能是这样)。 如果您在带有下划线的单词上点击该单词,则会弹出一个带有替换建议的菜单,或者您可以点击“添加到字典”。

Or, if you want to add, delete, or edit words in the dictionary itself, tap “personal dictionary” in the settings, then on the next screen, the actual dictionary you want to improve (here, ours is “English (United States)”).

或者,如果您要在字典本身中添加,删除或编辑单词,请在设置中点按“个人字典”,然后在下一个屏幕上,选择要改进的实际字典(此处,我们的字典为“英语(美国) )”)。

Note, you can search for a specific word or words if your personal dictionary is particularly extensive. You can also tap any word to edit or delete it.

请注意,如果您的个人词典特别广泛,则可以搜索一个或多个特定单词。 您也可以点击任何单词以对其进行编辑或删除。

We tap “Add” to see how this looks. You can type out your custom word and add a shortcut to, or if you change your mind, delete it.  There’s no “Save” button, so once you’re done adding your word, simply back out of the add screen and your word will now be in your personal dictionary.

我们点击“添加”以查看外观。 您可以输入自定义单词并为其添加快捷方式,或者如果您改变主意,则将其删除。 没有“保存”按钮,因此添加完单词后,只需退出添加屏幕,您的单词现在将在您的个人词典中。

Personal dictionaries are probably the single-most effective method of avoiding autocorrect fails but it does take time to “teach” it the way you communicate. This is especially true if you use Google Keyboard’s swipe capabilities rather than just typing every word.

个人词典可能是避免自动更正失败的最有效的方法,但是确实需要一些时间来“教”您如何进行交流。 如果您使用Google键盘的滑动功能,而不仅仅是输入每个单词,则尤其如此。

Now that you’re aware of Google Keyboard’s hidden powers, you can dive in and start hewing it to your liking. Autocorrect doesn’t have to be such a hit and miss experience, especially if you want to express yourself in your particular vernacular.

现在您已经知道了Google键盘的隐藏功能,您可以潜入并开始按自己的喜好进行操作。 自动更正并不一定是一种碰碰运气的体验,特别是如果您想用自己的母语表达自己的话。

All that aside, let’s hear from you now. Did you know you could add words and create custom dictionary entries? Do you often find yourself a victim of autocorrect? Our discussion forum is open and waiting your feedback.

除了这些,让我们现在听听您的声音。 您知道您可以添加单词并创建自定义词典条目吗? 您是否经常发现自己是自动更正的受害者? 我们的讨论论坛已开放,正在等待您的反馈。




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