
Just like Netflix, Disney+ makes it easy to binge-watch a show by automatically playing the next episode when the first ends. If you don’t like this feature, you can turn Autoplay off alongside the app’s ability to play background videos on the landing page and throughout the app.

就像Netflix一样, Disney +可以通过在第一集结束时自动播放下一集来使观众轻松观看节目。 如果您不喜欢此功能,则可以将自动播放功能与该应用程序一起播放,以在目标网页和整个应用程序中播放背景视频。

在iPhone,iPad和Android上禁用自动播放 (Disable Autoplay on iPhone, iPad, and Android)

At launch, the Disney+ app doesn’t appear to display background videos  on the homepage automatically. As such, the only setting that you can disable is the Autoplay feature.

启动时,Disney +应用程序似乎不会自动在首页上显示背景视频。 因此,唯一可以禁用的设置是“自动播放”功能。

Start by opening the “Disney+” app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android and then tapping on the profile tab in the bottom right corner.


From here, select the “Edit Profiles” button.


Tap on the profile that you want autoplay videos disabled in. Unfortunately, this setting has to be disabled manually for each profile. There isn’t an account-wide option for you to turn off.

点击要禁用自动播放视频的配置文件。遗憾的是,必须为每个配置文件手动禁用此设置。 您无法关闭整个帐户的选项。

Toggle off “Autoplay” and then tap the “Save” button.


With the setting disabled, you will now need to start the next video in a series manually. The Disney+ app will no longer automatically progress onto the next episode.

在禁用设置的情况下,您现在需要手动开始系列中的下一个视频。 Disney +应用程序将不再自动进入下一集。

在网络上禁用自动播放和背景视频 (Disable Autoplay and Background Video on the Web)

If you’re watching Disney+ using a web browser (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.), you can disable autoplaying and background videos following a similar route as with the mobile apps.

如果您正在使用Web浏览器(Windows,macOS,Linux等)观看Disney +,则可以按照与移动应用类似的方法来禁用自动播放和背景视频。

To start, hover your mouse over the avatar in the top-right corner and then click the “Edit Profiles” button.


From here, click on the profile that you want to customize. Again, these settings have to be disabled manually for each profile. There isn’t an account-wide option for you to turn off.

在此处,单击要自定义的配置文件。 同样,必须为每个配置文件手动禁用这些设置。 您无法关闭整个帐户的选项。

Click on the toggle next to “Autoplay” and “Background Video” to disable each option and then click the “Save” button.


在Apple TV,Android TV和Smart TV上禁用自动播放和背景视频 (Disable Autoplay and Background Video on Apple TV, Android TV, and Smart TVs)

The option to turn off autoplaying and background videos is also available to those watching Disney+ on smart TVs and set top boxes.

在智能电视和机顶盒上观看Disney +的用户也可以选择关闭自动播放和背景视频。

Begin by navigating to the left sidebar and clicking on your avatar in the top-left corner.


Next, click on the “Edit Profiles” button.


Select the profile that you want to customize. These settings have to be disabled manually for each profile. There isn’t an account-wide option for you to turn off.

选择您要自定义的配置文件。 必须为每个配置文件手动禁用这些设置。 您无法关闭整个帐户的选项。

Click on the “Autoplay” and “Background Video” options to turn them off. Navigate over to the “Done” button to save your changes.

单击“自动播放”和“背景视频”选项将其关闭。 导航到“完成”按钮以保存您的更改。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447740/how-to-disable-autoplaying-and-background-videos-on-disney/



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