

A bus generally contains a set of control lines and a set of data lines,The

control lines are used to signal requests and acknowledgment,and to indicate

what type of information is on the data lines.THe data lines of the bus carry

information between the source and the desination.This information may

consist of data ,complex commands, or addresses.For example,if a disk want to

write some data into memory from a disk sector,the data lines will be used to

indicate.the address in memory in which to place the data as well as,to carry

the actual data from the disk .The control lines.will be used to indicate

what type of information is contained on the data lines of the bus at each

point in the transfer.Some buses have two sets of signal lines to separately

communicate both data and address in a single bus transmission. In either

case,the control lines are used to indicate what the bus contains and to

implement the bus protocol.


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