
Language Translators Article Translations Computers only understand a langrage consisting of 0’s and 1’s called machine language ,as we will discuss in the next chapter. At one time programmers and computer scientists had to program entirely in 0’s and 1’s. As you might expect, this communication was very tedious and difficult. To ease this burden ,special programming languages were developed that more closely approximate human language. Language translators convert these programming statements into the zeros and ones that the computer is able to process. There translators are indispensable tools for developing new software applications and for maintaining existing application. BACK NEXT Language Translators 译文:电脑只能够认识由0和1组成的机械语言,我们将在下一章介绍这个内容。曾经,程序员们只能够用纯粹的的0和1组成的语言去编写程序。这是你能够想象的,如此的沟通是十分烦琐和困难的。为了减轻这个负担,更接近人类语言的特别语言被开发了。编译器会把这些特别语言翻译成计算机能识别的0和1组成的语言。编译器是开发新软件和维护现有软件的必要工具。 BACK Language Translators Concept Check What is machine langrage? A langrage consisting of 0’s and 1’s that the computer is able to process called machine language. What do langrage translators do? Language translators convert these programming statements into the zeros and ones that the computer is able to process. BACK A Look to the Future IBM Commits to Autonomic Computing with eLiza project Wouldn’t it be nice if computers could fix themselves? What if you never had to worry about installing or updating software? What if your computer could continually finetune it’s operation to maintain peak performance? For many people ,this all sounds too good to be true; such maintenance tasks can be time-consuming and confusing. Now imagine you run a business and unless these tasks are performed, you will lose valuable time and money. It is not a pleasant daydream and it quickly becomes a nightmare without properly trained systems administrators to keep servers running smoothly. Add to the problem the predicted shortage of trained systems administrators and you have the makings of a re


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