
Constraint-Based Assert Model

The constraint-based Assert model uses a single method of the Assert class for all assertions. The logic necessary to carry out each assertion is

embedded in the constraint object passed as the second parameter to that method.

Here's a very simple assert using the constraint model:

Assert.That( myString, Is.EqualTo("Hello") );

The second argument in this assertion uses one of NUnit's syntax helpers to create an EqualConstraint. The same assertion could also be made in this form:

Assert.That( myString, new EqualConstraint("Hello") );

Using this model, all assertions are made using one of the forms of the Assert.That() method, which has a number of overloads...

If you derive your test fixture class from AssertionHelper, the Expect() method may be used in place of Assert.That()...

In each case, the overloads that take a bool function identically to Asser.IsTrue.






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