


Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Wisdom


In net-based collaborative design environment, design resources become more and more varied and complex. Besides common information management systems, design resources can be organized in connection with design activities.

A set of activities and resources linked by logic relations can form a task. A task has at least one objective and can be broken down into smaller ones. So a design project can be separated into many subtasks forming a hierarchical structure.

Task Management System (TMS) is designed to break down these tasks and assign certain resources to its task nodes.As a result of decomposition.al1 design resources and activities could be managed via this system.

KEY WORDS:Collaborative Design, Task Management System (TMS), Task Decomposition, Information Management System

1 Introduction

Along with the rapid upgrade of request for advanced design methods, more and more design tool appeared to support new design methods and forms. Design in a web environment with multi-partners being involved requires a more powerful and efficient management system .Design partners can be located everywhere over the net with their own organizations. They could be mutually independent experts or teams of tens of employees. This article discusses a task management system (TMS) which manages design activities and resources by breaking down design objectives and re-organizing design resources in connection with the activities. Comparing with common information management systems (IMS) like product data management system and document management system, TMS can manage the whole design process. It has two tiers which make it much more f1exible in structure.

The 1ower tier consists of traditional common IMSS and the upper one fulfills logic activity management through controlling a tree-like structure, allocating design resources and making decisions about how to carry out


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