Every time I see these swans, i always think of these words, graceful or noble? no,


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I gotta keep breathing,because tomorrow,the sun will rise,who knows what the tide could

bring? --> CastAway

You got a dream,you gotta protect it,people can't do something themselves,they wanna

tell you you can't do it,
if you want something,go get it,period?

10-05 20:10
I'm gonna do this now.
Phoebe,I love you.
There's on one else in the world I would ask to marry me three times.
But I want to take care of you,have babies with you,and grow old with you.
Phoebe Buffay,will you marry me?
I love you.I love you more

10-06 12:02
But i insist.
But i insist harder.

Girls.Girls.Stop.Okay,we'll flip a coin. 抛硬币决定

10-06 26:16
Ross:  Okay,that's it,we are seeing other people.

10-07 12:43
Because we love kids.Love them to death.
Well,not actually to death.That's just a figure of speech.

We love kids the appropriate amount as allowed by law.

10-08 12:12
Oh,they are in for a world of pain. 哦,这太可怕了!

10-08 15:12
What are we gonna do?I'm starving. 我们该怎么办啊,我饿死了.

10-09 24:36
I have nothing to say to you.
I love my wife more than enything in this world.
And it..
It kills me that I can't give her a baby.
I really want a kid.
And when that day finally comes,I'll learn how to be a good dad.
But my wife,she's already there.
She's a monther without a baby.

-- Oprah Winfrey
if you're hurting,you need to help somebody ease their hurt.if you're in pain,help

somebody else's pain,and when you're in a mess,you get yourself out of the mess helping

somebody out of theirs?

-- He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.

-- 本人曾经在大学期间喜好看老友记,这对本人的白话很有协助。
I used to like watching Friends when in university, which helped my speaking skills a lot.

10-10 08:13
I'm not having an affair. 我没有外遇.
Nancy is our realtor.

10-11 04:03
I mean,we can get laid any time we want.再说,天涯何处无芳草

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

i wathed the tenth season finale last night,Monica and Chandler received a bit of

surprise when they became parents to twins,Ross realized that he loved Rachel,he didn't

want to miss her and went to airport to tell his feelings.Joey  gave Monica and Chandler

small chick JR and duck JR,there were so much fun,friendship

,thanksgiving,sweat,striving... it took me 2 months for one season to ten season.


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