
Space. We all want more of it, particularly on our phones and tablets. Sadly, all those apps gobble up space before you know it. You might be able to reclaim a bit of space by clearing your Dropbox cache.

空间。 我们都想要更多,尤其是在我们的手机和平板电脑上。 可悲的是,所有这些应用程序在您不知不觉中就吞噬了空间。 您可能可以通过清除Dropbox缓存来回收一些空间。

When you open the Dropbox app on your mobile device, it caches your folder and file list as well as any images or documents you view. So the next time you access these folders and files, Dropbox doesn’t have to download them again, saving time and data.

当您在移动设备上打开Dropbox应用程序时,它会缓存您的文件夹和文件列表以及您查看的所有图像或文档。 因此,下次访问这些文件夹和文件时,Dropbox不必再次下载它们,从而节省了时间和数据。

As time goes on, this cache can grow larger and larger. If your phone or tablet is complaining that it just doesn’t have any more space, clearing your Dropbox cache can quickly give you some breathing room…provided you’ve opened some big files in Dropbox recently.

随着时间的流逝,此缓存可能会越来越大。 如果您的手机或平板电脑抱怨说自己的存储空间不足,那么清除Dropbox缓存可以Swift为您提供喘息的机会……只要您最近在Dropbox中打开了一些大文件即可。

如何在Android上清除Dropbox缓存 (How to Clear Your Dropbox Cache on Android)

If you’re using an Android device, open the Dropbox app and tap the three lines in the upper-left corner.


When the pane slides out from the left edge, tap the gear icon in the upper-right corner.


Scroll down to “Advanced features” and, if you like, note how much space the cache on your device is taking up.


Tap “Clear cache” and you’re done.


Keep in mind that as you use Dropbox on your device, the cache will again fill up and grow so this isn’t exactly a permanent solution.


It’s unlikely this is going to make a huge difference to your phone’s storage unless you’ve downloaded some rather large files from Dropbox. Still, it may be worth trying, and if it doesn’t really help, there are other ways to free up space on your Android device.

除非您已经从Dropbox下载了一些相当大的文件,否则这不太可能对手机的存储产生巨大影响。 尽管如此,还是值得尝试的,如果确实没有帮助,还有其他方法可以释放Android设备上的空间。

如何在iPhone上清除Dropbox缓存 (How to Clear Your Dropbox Cache on the iPhone)

Before clearing the cache on the iPhone, know that the Dropbox app doesn’t tell you how much space the cache is occupying, so if you really want to know, you have to compare Dropbox’s storage footprint before and after you clear the cache.


To do this, open the Settings on your iPhone, head to General > Storage & iCloud Usage, and check the Used and Available storage on your device


We have quite a bit of storage left however, but you may not.

To clear the Dropbox cache, open the Dropbox app on your iPhone and tap the gear icon in the upper-left corner.


In the Settings, scroll down and tap “Clear Cache”.


Confirm you wish to proceed and the cache will be cleared.


You can now go back to that main storage page and see how much space it freed up. It’s unlikely this is going to make a huge difference to your phone’s storage unless you’ve downloaded some rather large files from Dropbox.

现在,您可以返回该主存储页面,查看它释放了多少空间。 除非您已经从Dropbox下载了一些相当大的文件,否则这不太可能对手机的存储产生巨大影响。

Remember too, that as you use Dropbox, the cache will again fill up again, so this isn’t exactly a permanent solution. If you try this and things are still too cramped, there are additional ways to free up space on your iPhone or iPad.

还要记住,当您使用Dropbox时,缓存将再次再次填满,因此这并不是永久解决方案。 如果您尝试这样做,但事情仍然太局促了,还有其他方法可以释放iPhone或iPad上的空间。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/297840/how-to-clear-your-dropbox-cache-on-android-and-ios/



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